I used to swim quite often pre-lockdown, haven’t been since.

I am writing this outside the local chinese/chip shop takeaway. Used to be a weekly activity, this is the 2nd time post lockdown. (Also got put off from being served raw chicken twice!)

How has lockdown changed your habits.

  1. I no longer have to tell the Ocado driver not to bring the shopping in but to leave it on the door step. They used to have an expectation of being invited into the kitchen.

  2. I no longer participate in coughing competitions.

    On a serious note, similarly I eat out a lot less when I’m staying at home.

    I do around 200 nights away from home each year (didn’t in 2020 or 2021) either in hotels or on tour buses so I still eat out a lot, but when I’m at home I do tend to cook most days now.

  3. I used to quite enjoy licking door handles and the open doors buttons on trains. Since Covid though, all those adverts about viruses have put me right off.

  4. I also stopped chewing my fingernails

    Side effect, I haven’t gotten into the habit of cutting them regularly

    It didn’t happen at the same time weirdly. I stopped chewing my left hands nails. Then a few months later the right hand. All subconsciously.

    Have noticed I am doing it again occasionally recently though

  5. I was going to do a masters but never happened and lockdown killed any joy of wanting to do it.

  6. Pre lockdown I used to go on a night out every weekend, now I go out 1-2 times a month. Lockdown made me realise it’s nice just to chill out by yourself at home and binge watch shows which I never did before.

  7. I stopped running. Every day I tell myself I’ll start again.

    I picked up some really good general housework habits though – and wfh means my house is nearly always clean. I used to actually book days off from work so I could deep clean the house.

  8. I used to be a fairly big football fan before. Would keep up with all the news, and follow the team I support (Liverpool) quite closely, watching every game on TV.

    I think a mixture of Liverpool completely dominating that season (little competition or drama), and the long break from the lockdown, killed my interest in it. I’ve hardly watched any games since.

    Have become more interested in other sports though (MMA and Boxing).

  9. I used to be a massive social person. My door was always open, kettle was always on with a fridge full of food.
    Now my door is always locked and you’re not coming in without me attempting to answer my messages telling me your coming. I also don’t like going out anymore. I have my shopping delivered so I don’t have to deal with people.

  10. I’ve stopped using the public library, stocking on on books from the local charity shops instead of going in to Big Town With Library.

    Also not had any s*x.

  11. I’m now much more cautious about travelling abroad and when I make plans I feel like there is a big chance everything will be cancelled at the last minute.

  12. I went pretty much teetotal during lockdown. Beforehand I used to drink quite often but I would go for months on end without a single drink in lockdown.

    I’m not quite teetotal now but drink considerably less than I used to. (I get the impression a lot of people actually had the opposite and drink a lot more after lockdown)

  13. Yeah I never drank alcohol more than 3x a year before covid, very different story now lmao

  14. smoking.

    the thought of a debilitating lung disease being exacerbated by the tabs shit me right up.

    don’t miss ’em in the slightest.

    i’m trying to do 5k a day on the treadmill which i can manage pretty easily now.

  15. I used to play badminton 2-3 times per week but I’ve barely played in 3 years. I took up running instead though and I now run 5-6 days a week!

  16. Ironing. Swear I hardly iron anything now work shirts/suits are (thankfully) relegated to the past, yay

  17. I used to go to the pub by myself once a fortnight or so, while out walking the dogs. Just to get out.

    After the first summer of Covid, I started wild swimming with a local group. One of the best things I could have done. Fresh air plus exercise plus company – lots of new friends – and no worries about picking up the latest bug. Instead of the pub, we’ll lean on the seawall with drinks from the supermarket and watch the sun go down, even have a fire. It’s cheaper and less stressful than being inside listening to people wheezing.

  18. I had a long commute with a 4AM alarm so I didn’t drink much on a school night but I’d have a few glasses of wine on a Friday or Saturday night. Now I WFH most of the time I drink far more than is good for me. In my industry we tend to start early and finish early, as a result of which I have developed a couple of weird crushes on afternoon TV presenters, in place of my previous habit of coming home and going to sleep.

  19. Being out and about.

    My job is 100% home based and my freidnshop circle has gotten smaller so I spend a lot of time at home.

    I’ve made a few new friends so am trying to get out more.

    And I will go into the office occasionally but if other people aren’t there It’s not worth the effort to travel the distance.

    I just miss how much easier it was to do things and go places and be out in the world.

  20. Indoor climbing. Used to absolutely be my favourite hobby pre-covid, lost almost all interest now. Shame, I was semi-decent!

  21. Yes, I used to travel locally a lot more. Now I barely go out. There are other reasons behind it to do with how I have to spend my time now, but the lockdown definitely had an impact. I find going out exhausting now.

  22. My daily Pret addiction is dead. Now the one day a week I go to the office I bring my own lunch prepped on my WFH day

  23. Drinking. Used to drink frequently. Most nights. Gave up during lockdown as no social life. Haven’t really picked it back up except the odd night out.

  24. Like most replies i used to go to the gym 4-6 times a week, gained so much weight during lockdown and now am too demotivated to pick up going to the gym again.

    On the other hand i started a new long term habit, i have just passed my 1000 day streak on Duolingo haha

  25. Gained 5 stone during lockdown and have eaten like shit ever since. Thankfully I’ve shifted most of it, just got 1 stone left, but it’s hard.

  26. I quit smoking in the first week of lockdown due to health anxiety – I read so many stories of lung issues and that was the first push I needed.

  27. Therapy and counseling! I have debilitating anxiety that’s co-morbid with other fun stuff like PTSD. Pre-COVID I had been making some really great progress. Now I feel like I’ve gone over 10 steps backwards and am close to the mental state I was in 5 years ago, depressed, I don’t leave the house and struggling to do much of anything.

  28. Might sound strange but before the lockdown I didn’t leave the house for years due to social anxiety. With not many people really out I took the opportunity to use my 1 hour exercise to go explore. Turn out I fucking love being outside

  29. I stopped vaping, up until lockdown I had smoked heavily for thirty five years, went to vaping for about eight years, stopped vaping two years ago. Also at the same time I stopped biting my nails, something I had done my entire life.

  30. Not sure this counts as it isn’t a habit, but the length of my comfort around personal space never shrunk back. I still get fidgety in queues if I feel like someone is too close, especially if they cough.

    I also won’t meet up with friends if they are feeling under the weather now, even if it’s just a cold.

  31. I had a habit of assuming that the large majority of this country had common sense. Food shortages, panic buying, the toilet paper fiasco and the fact that people got offended when I wore a face mask changed all that.

  32. It killed my social life, it killed my support network.

    We can’t even be bothered to go to the pub we stay home and drink wine in bed watching TV.

    I’m bored and I hate it.

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