Title says it best, done feeling like a NPC out of Oblivion.

  1. How to start a conversation:
    Know of things ya like , things that make you curious, things that fits the energy of place and time and if u ever feel there alot of things overflowing through your mind narrow it down to the simplest things

    How to end it:
    Valuation of time simply put
    1. Conversation can be done again if the other party enjoys it
    2. Mindset of seeking answers through an individual rather than let it flow as if ur venting an opinion or who u are
    3. Ik if I say keep it simple it’ll be vague but simple as in (seek one answer than getting carried away)

    Overtime practices makes perfect as you’ll recieve advices or comments use em to improve and your good to go long term

    Hope that helps 😊

  2. “Hey, what’s up?” is basically the swiss army knife of conversation starters.

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