Been having a rough few months, very dark moments and thoughts.I’m sadly brown and short and fat and a virgin and 25(half my life gone).

Anyways, my internship had a work social event after. I went there, and chatted with my co workers it was so much fun.

I met this super cool girl named Janet who works in accounting my age, super pretty, and she is the one that introduced herself because I was talking with some colleagues in common. I was even making her laugh somehow lol, but due to my upbringing I can’t stare at someone too long and look away for a sec and also randomly mess up words sometimes.

Her friend came in and grabbed her didn’t even look at me and said “let’s get you out of here” and heard her tell Janet “eww not him he’s weird.”

I’ve gotten better at being less socially awkward but it’s hard. I thought we had a good convo, cause as she pulled her away she as still waving at me. Or maybe I bored her and she was being nice. She was way too pretty for me but thought I had a chance haha.

  1. Just continue being friendly to Janet. If Janet is as super cool as you think then she won’t listen to her friend.

    And there is nothing wrong with being short, brown, fat and a virgin at 25. If you were making Janet laugh you’re not boring in convos. You continue being you. You’ll find your perfect Janet.

  2. Unfortunately you just can’t control how people act. Nothing you did here was wrong though, keep being your charming self and making girls like Janet laugh 🙂

  3. What do you mean, half your life is gone?!

    Anyway, you sound like a fun person. Janet’s friend is super weird.

  4. Take it from a woman who is successful with guys, if Janet now begins to treat you differently (based on that comment) she is not someone you want around you or in your life at all.
    A really good and kind woman, regardless of her looks, treats everyone with decency unless they actively hurt or insult them.
    Care less about making that one person you admire feel good and more about everyone in any conversation you’re in feeling mutually respected and happy and you will feel your confidence blossom. Treating everyone kindly and knowing you deserve to be liked as much as the next person is the key to healthy socialization.

  5. Bro she sounded genuinely interested, attraction is not all about looks! Her friend was a b”tch!

  6. Don’t let it knock your confidence, the world is full of shallow people, the only thing in your control is how you react and move forward. If Janet is able to be so easily influenced by her friends closed mind, she’s probably not a good person to get involved with anyway! Keep being yourself, positivity breeds positive outcomes 🙂

  7. nah I think you made a good impression on Janet. she clearly enjoyed your company, her friend is just letting her own biases impede on Janet’s experiences. keep doing what you’re doing and the rest will fall in behind it.

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