Mine’s nap or ya know…

  1. Pants on the ground, pants on the ground.

    Lookin’ like a foo’ with yo’ pants on the ground.

  2. I have two kids, a dog, a partner and the mother in law in my house. Not sure I can remember when I was last alone for more than half an hour. But it would be a you know.

  3. Honestly, and call it weird, but I blast music and go into cooking / baking mode.

  4. Roll a joint, boil water for tea, scroll reddit a bit and start my house husband chores 🙂

  5. Clean the house, because no one else does and it is easier when people aren’t around.

  6. Let out the cataclysmic fart I’ve spared the general public from witnessing, especially coworkers. Strip down to undies and grab my bath robe. Headphones on blasting whatever song I already listened to twenty times on the drive home.

    Look down at my pee pee and ponder blasting a load or three.

    Take an unreasonably long nap.

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