Hey everyone I wanted to share my problems maybe I will find someone to guide me because I feel………..like no one sometimes I wish I was never born it’s destroying my life at this point 😕 so I have 6 classmates one of them I consider my childhood friend but as time passed and many people started to join the school he started to keep away from me he mentions me only to make his homework or give him some answers in a test and everyone ignoring me I always starts the conversation like how are you doing but none ask me how I’m doing

  1. Don’t feel so bad about it! Once you graduate I promise life will go on and you won’t even care anymore! Highschool is temporary, people are temporary. The right people will gravitate towards you. I’ve lost life long friends like that too. You aren’t alone pal

  2. Join some clubs or activities. Seek out and talk to anyone who is being ignored. Be interested.

  3. Find something you love, that others love too (social activities/hobbies). People are always interested in others when they talk about something they are passionate about. You need to have a few things that are common with other people, this gives you many opportunities to connect with others.

    Friendships can stay, dissolve, out grow, etc. And you don’t always know what connections you will make with others. This is a very normal thing for most people. Do your best, and always keep trying. Learn lots of new things. It’s easier to converse with people if you have some experience to rely on.

    Lastly, even though you are young, start taking your health seriously now. Learn to cook and portion meals, drink lots of water, and exercise. Some sort of physical activity/sport is good too.

  4. Don’t let high school make you feel that way, it’s just high school once you graduate everything gets so much better.

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