So little back story husband suffers from depression and BPD we’ve separated twice now. hes on another medication and we’ve been trying to work on our marriage but he has recently picked up also doing Marijuana along with his depression medication. I personally dont believe in using Marijuana to self medicate seems like a bandaid approach . His only defense is its legal and he feels like his most authentic self when high. I feel disgusted by that logic. Am i just a square who doesn’t get it. I hate to give up on someone I care about but i really dont want this to affect other aspects in our life and i really feel like my thoughts on it go unheard all he says to my concerns is maybe we aren’t compatible. Well damn would’ve been nice to know that 10 years ago when we got married!!

  1. >I feel disgusted by that logic

    Your disgusted by his logic of him treating his issues with drugs?

    >husband suffers from depression and BPD . hes on another medication

    Are you disgusted by these drugs as well?

    >His only defense is its legal and he feels like his most authentic self when high.

    So you are well versed on all of the well researched medical benefits of cannabanoids and you are also a mental health expert?

    **This opens new windows of opportunity for treatment with cannabinoids such as cannabidiol (CBD) as no other pharmacological treatment has shown long-lasting improvement in the BPD population to date. This review aims to show the potential role of the ECS in BPD patients through their most affected brain regions, the hypothalamus and the corticolimbic system. The literature reviewed does not allow for general indications of treatment with CBD in BPD. However, there is enough knowledge to indicate a treatment ratio of a high level of CBD to a low level of THC.**

    Read that carefully as many times as you need to, I’ll point out the highlights

    >no other pharmacological treatment has shown long-lasting improvement in the BPD population to date

    >there is enough knowledge to indicate a treatment ratio of a high level of CBD to a low level of THC

    And the most important thing in this entire discussion is you haven’t once mentioned how your husband acts now vs. before

    Yes if he is high as a kite 24/7 that is an issue, but your views on his health issues and the appropriate treatment are so ignorant that it is sad.

  2. Have you done extensive research into the benefits of THC? More and more researchers and doctors are seeing it as a totally valid form of medication. What makes it different than any other drug prescribed?

    Now I’m not saying it a cure all, nothing is (including any “mainstream” medication) But you need to be logical about this. It’s not harming him and as long as it’s not a serious drain on your finances I don’t see an issue. He should probably discuss it with his doctor but that’s between them not you. If you truly want to support him getting better then you need to be more open minded. You haven’t listed any reason to oppose it other than that you “don’t believe” in it, which isn’t a good reason

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