Lads I’m 36 and the last while I have noticed that the little fellow is not what he used to be. He’s not as hard and can sometimes dissappear if not constantly getting attention if you get my drift. My question is if this is normal or should I have the awkward chat with my doctor 🤔

  1. It’s a little normal. Are you making sure to eat right, exercise, sleep well, and lay off the alcohol? If yes and you still don’t perform well you should ask a doctor.

  2. Sounds early, I’m mid-50s and just starting this. Could be stress, alcohol, blah blah. Cialis works great.

  3. Yes, this is natural. Talk to the doctor to rule out any health anomalies. But yeah, it’s true, you’re not gonna stay hard like you did when you were 21. Also, being tired, drunk, stressed, etc is all going to affect you much more at 30+ than before.

  4. Do you mean your penis? I would bring it up with the doctor, but they will likely ask about the usual suspects: weight, stress, depression, alcohol/drug use, etc. If you have an idea what might be causing it that will help narrow things down.

  5. What helps me is stopping masturbation for a week and having exactly two beers (makes me in the mood and for whatever reason doesn’t make me limp). However too much beer, wine, or liquor does so I avoid those if I feel sexy time will happen. If it’s still not working properly go to a doc and consider meds to help with that.

  6. Make sure it’s not stress or depression I had some issues at your age, didn’t know how to recognize my signs that my mind and body weren’t in line or focused. Got back to old routines of working out and eating better etc and were good to go. Maybe not as frequently but when it’s go time, it’s go time

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