Just want everyone’s opinion on this:

I’m a fully remote employee and visit my corporate headquarters four times per year. Last week, I had my first visit for this year.

My boss and I worked very closely that week, as we have a big project we’re both working on. In the past couple of months, her and I have accomplished some pretty great achievements and have been awarded by upper management for our work.

In a one on one meeting with her that week, the eye contact became very intense, and I almost smiled at her but held back with all my power.

Later on that day (before I left the office for the airport to return home), I catch her staring directly at me from her desk biting her lip. I maintained eye contact for a small amount of time, then went back to work.

The following week, she sent me a Teams message asking me when my apartment lease was up. I told her the date, and she invited me to come back to the office. She said the company would give me a cost of living adjustment and a few thousand for the relocation.

I’m getting the feeling this is woman is seeking something.

What are your thoughts on this situation? I’m not exactly sure on how to proceed. I fly back to the office next month for something, and I want to know what’s going on here.

TL;DR: my boss is coming onto me a bit. Is she attracted or no?

  1. Maybe. I sure hope not, because there’s usually no way that ends well for your career.

  2. You’re reading far too much into things and it’s a fool’s errand to pursue your boss romantically.

  3. Sounds like wishful thinking on your part to be honest. Making eye contact with someone and smiling is not a mating call

  4. Even if she is interested in you, this could go wrong so easily, I would leave it alone. There are plenty of women out there who aren’t your boss that you can pursue without blowing up your life. Maybe just enjoy the thought of a secret inappropriate crush.

  5. Based on what you wrote, no I wouldn’t say there’s any indication of romantic interest. She’s likely offering to pay for relocation because you’re a valuable employee and it’s cheaper to relocate you than fly you back and forth if they want you in the office more often.

    Sounds more like you’re being considered for a promotion than a relationship.

  6. You’re into her and looking for signs that she’s into you. She very well could be, but you’re only going to notice and read things the way you want the narrative to go.

    Only relocate if it’s something you would do if you weren’t attracted to your boss and absolutely DO NOT shit where you eat.

  7. As a woman I will say that she is probably attracted to you. Coming on to you, not yet, but it could happen. If you are interested, see where it goes.

  8. Wow! I can see your situation with your boss going pear-shaped REALLY fast. Questions: Are you in a relationship? Is she? Does your company fobid employees from engaging in relationships with co-workers? Regardless, I can’t see this ending well if you pursue this. Reddit is full of stories like yours and they usually end badly. That said, good luck working this out.

  9. Proceed with absolute professionalism, which is do say do not proceed at all. Assume she’s not onto you. Because if you flirt with her and she’s *not* into you, you’ll have torpedoed your job.

    Even if she is into you, either of you pursuing it sounds like an absolute minefield whilst she is your boss.

  10. >her and I have accomplished some pretty great achievements and have been awarded by upper management for our work.
    >She said the company would give me a cost of living adjustment and a few thousand for the relocation.
    >I’m getting the feeling this is woman is seeking something.

    Yeah, she wants to milk you for all the good work you are doing. I think you’re reading too much into this.

  11. Disregard these perceived signals and don’t pursue anything.

    Never mix work and pleasure. It’s guaranteed disaster.

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