Whether your partner has/had anxiety, depression, ocd, ahdh, addiction, insomnia, or other mental health issues, how did you work through that together?

What are your tips?

  1. Be patient, encourage medical help, put aside many of your wants and needs because they will struggle to meet them or prioritize them because they are having a hard time dealing with there own issues.

  2. Encourage treatment, support them in seeking treatment, be there for emotional support, take on more if they can’t right now. If they won’t or can’t seek support over a long period of time it can eventually break your relationship.

  3. Either they get treatment or you need to walk. Don’t have children with them until they are healed.

  4. I think it all depends on what’s going on, all of those things you listed are likely going to require different things.

    I have ADHD, depression, and anxiety. Most of the time I just need someone to talk to and compassion and to not feel alone. In return though I have been seeing a therapist and I am medicated and I feel like those are a must to even get to some type of normal.

    I would just say, it takes a lot of empathy, patience, and compassion. If those are challenging then maybe find other ways to be supportive for them but also not degrading how they are feeling. Mental health is a messy thing. It’s tough on the person who has the problems and also the person trying to be supportive.

  5. I had to leave and look at my own toxicity and why I even accomodated all that…

    Sorry, prolly not the answer you wanted…but it’s what happened.

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