Recently I [29 M] have been snoring. Due to work I travel a lot and gets an accommodation with another co worker. He said that I snore loudly and it needs to be addressed. I am afraid that I can cause inconvenience to my future roommates due to this as well as my health. Have you tried some temporary measures? I am trying to lose weight (83 kg atm) suspecting this might be one of the cause.

  1. Your work accommodations make you share a hotel room with another man? It can be addressed by your job giving adults their own hotel rooms.

  2. I only snore if I sleep on my back. Nothing if I’m on my side or stomach. Luckily I’m a stomach sleeper so it’s very rare that I snore, only if I happen to role on my back during sleep.

    My wife snores a bit. We found that for her using two pillows instead of one greatly reduces it – the extra elevation seems to help. She is a back sleeper

  3. Severe snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea which can lead to other health problems. I would talk to your doctor and see if they would recommend a sleep study. I know several people who were diagnosed with sleep apnea and were able to resolve their snoring. There is often an added benefit of increased energy, improved focus and a sense of overall well being once resolved. Good luck!

  4. Do a sleep study. They make travel CPAP devices that eliminate scoring completely. You’ll sleep better and you’ll sleep better knowing you aren’t disruptive to whoever is there

  5. Fortunately my snoring is mild and occasional and it no longer affects anyone so I haven’t done anything about it yet, might look into in the future though.

  6. Get it looked in to to see if it’s a sign of something else.

    But as a temporary solution I’ve had success using Nasal Strips (Google and you’ll find some) – my partner says they’ve reduced my snoring – your mileage may vary.

  7. For me snoring is all tongue blockage.

    I have a mouth guard that shifts my jaw forward a bit at night which helps, but honestly pillow height helps just as much. As well as tongue exercises for keeping it to the roof of my mouth.

  8. Get a sleep study done. Maybe you have sleep apnea. Maybe get a cpap. It’ll change your life if you have sleep apnea

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