Hello Everyone,

I am recently making new friends at Uni. I am a super social guy but I do have the tendency to be a people pleaser which I think ends up with people disrespecting me. I talk very enthusiastically and I think that makes me come off as non serious (even tho I don’t talk about stupid things but still).

So today I was hanging out with my new friends and I just don’t know how should I have told them that I am not cool with them being mean to me (although jokingly but still I felt disrespected)

Alot of advice I have heard is to cut off such people but I believe their is a way of registering your displeasure but I am not too sure how can one do that. I just want to set up boundaries about what is cool and what is not cool.

  1. Maybe open the topic about boundaries. Ask them about their boundaries and tell them about yours.

    If they ask why didn’t you say it earlyer, you could be honest and say that you had no idea how to broach the subject and might have not be aware of some boundaries you did have.

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