You get a womans number and you start messaging each other. How do you react if she immediately asks for your last name?

  1. I wouldn’t care honestly I have basically nothing on the internet so if she starts looking for me she won’t find anything I’m not willing to say

  2. Respond with my social security number. Jk

    She’s probably trying to check your social media. I wouldn’t care tbh. Doesn’t hurt to be cautious.

  3. Ask why and then tell her. Chances are she won’t tell me the truth but it won’t matter at the end of the day so I’ll still say it.

  4. If I approached her, I would be delighted that she cares enough to look into things further.

  5. Probably something like “Huh? Did you not put it in when you got my number?”

    I tend to give people my first and last name when they’re adding me to their contacts and when making formal introductions. Maybe that’s a bad habit in this day and age, though?

  6. What is google going to tell them about you because that’s about to happen.

  7. I assume she is trying to look me on social media, of which I have very little. I have no issue in giving my last name.

  8. I might give her my ig instead of last name. Before giving my ig I would ask her why? I would decline giving her my last name and likely would roast her(joke/make fun of). I’m reluctant to give my last name……I’d be more comfortable dropping her.

  9. Chances are she doesn’t know my actual first name because I don’t go by it, so good luck doing anything with my last and finding anything important lol

  10. I scream bloody murder and stomp my feet and then cry while I curl up into the fetal position.

    Seriously this question….

    Is this a troll or joke post?

    Just giving it and continue the conversation.


  11. i give her my last name. if i dont im not proud of it which is never the case. if shes got a problem with it then thats her lose.

  12. I say….”ah, we’re onto the background checking and social media stalking. Enjoy, I have nothing to hide!”

  13. Seems like a way to run a background check on me, which I would take as an indicator for too much caution in what is for now just a casual chat or an indicator for her being burned too much in the past.
    I would decline.

  14. I’d tell her my last name. I have nothing to hide, she’s just going to discover that my FaceBook is super boring and inactive because I’m not online much except for Reddit.

  15. She’s checking the sex offender registry and to see if you have a wife. Both seem reasonable.

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