About three weeks ago while I (M23) was at work I met a girl(F18) who was into me. One of her friends asked for my contact info for me as she was too shy. I let them know I finish my shift in an hour so I’d talk to them after I finished. They both stayed and waited for me to finish work. We traded contact details and it started off really well!

For context, I’ve never been in a relationship before and this is the first time a girl has been into me. I’ve always had trouble on dating apps not getting many matches and rarly any responds. Ontop of that she’s really attractive, so I’ve gotten my hopes up a little and feel proud of myself for once.

We’ve been texting everyday, its been going well. We both have work and arn’t always free to talk but we’ve worked around it and wanted to plan to go on some dates together. I suggested ideas and she was really into going to the park to see some Cherry blossoms and get drinks together.

Last Tuesday, the day of the date, she dosn’t respond and I don’t leave to go at our meet up spot as I dont want to be waiting around for no reason. A few hours later she texts me saying she’s not feeling well. No issue, I let her know I understand and she said we can reschedual to Friday. Friday, no responce on text messages for ages just like Tuesday, she texts me saying she had to have a blood test at the doctors and wasnt feeling well after. Again, thats fine no issue. She says we can hang out on Saturday before she goes to work. No responce all Saturday she just vanishes so on Sunday I just get a message saying she was busy.

At this point I’m starting to notice a pattern. Im not sure why shes canceling last minuet. She says she likes me and still wants to go out, as do I. This dosnt feel intentional but at the same time I feel a little taken advantage of. I really dont want to messs this up and I really want to experiance dating her. I understand people can have their issues and things dont always go to plan, but at this point I’m just feeling more upset at this and maybe I’m just in my head too much but I feel bad for thinking she’s leading me on, or I feel like I’m being too annoying.

How do I ask whats going on and why she keeps canceling last minuet without coming off as rude? I just want to be open and honest. Is there something I could be doing? I’m not sure if it’s just me being an idiot.

  1. Age gap is weird, her behaviour is immature and you’re just going to have to be patient or ghost

  2. You are getting mixed signals, which usually means she is having second thoughts. No telling why, and no use worrying about it.

    The more you push, the more needy it comes across. If you asked her out and she is leaving you on read, then just say okay and stop contacting her. If she changes her mind she has your contact info.

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