I love challenges, but there are some challenges that men face in today’s society that are particularly unique and often go unnoticed.

There is often a lot of pressure on men to be confident, assertive, and successful in their romantic pursuits. Men are expected to be strong, stoic, and unemotional, and to prioritize their careers over their personal lives

  1. Being artistic and over emotional.

    I always find art to be more on the feminine side. Have only 24 hours a day of which Job, sleep, exercise and cooking consumes the most part. How on earth am I supposed to be artistic.

  2. For me, sometimes being a man feels like you have to tick certain boxes. Me, I’m mostly vegetarian, I like doing yoga, and I color my hair. These aren’t typically very “masculine” things and sometimes I have to confront myself about how I feel about these things.

    Basically, rejecting whatever modern standards we have for masculinity is very tough. They’re rooted in bullshit. Masculinity is something that changes constantly throughout history.

  3. Conflicting expectations about proper masculine behavior. There are a lot of cultural and economic movements happening right now that are upending the role models that men used to rely on to gauge society’s expectations of them. Personally I am happy to see the old shit go, but the new shit is MESSY and NOISY and impossible to follow. Everybody now has a differing set of expectations, but also seems to think theirs are the NORM and you are a fool if you didn’t just know that theirs were the right ones.

  4. Being completely alone in my struggles and having to overcome them with no support or assistance

  5. The world caters to women.

    Women outnumber men among college graduates. And yet, men are still expected to be the primary breadwinners.

    Women have the #MeToo card. For fear of being falsely accused, men are now following the Mike Pence rule and refusing to be alone with women in a work context. Clearly, these men don’t believe that genuine innocence will protect them or their careers. But rather than have their concerns addressed, these men are insulted and ridiculed.

    When a man offs his entire family, the news articles usually end with domestic violence resources. When a woman offs her entire family, the news articles usually end with links to mental health resources. Nobody seems to see a problem with that.

    A quick Google search will show that women are exasperated that men generally don’t approach women in public anymore. A different Google search will show that women also resent it when men approach women in public. Again, nobody seems to see a contradiction there.

    Women lament the fact that up to 25% of the homeless population is female. They don’t seem too concerned about how that statistic also reveals that men are 75% of the homeless population.

    Generally speaking, women can call out if their monthly cycle fucks them up too bad. But it’s frowned upon for men to take a mental health day.

    In a sense, the burdens and expectations of men are no different now than what they’ve always been. The problem is that society no longer rewards men for fulfilling their expected gender role. We have reimagined women’s role in society (for some reason). But pretty much nothing has changed with men’s role in society.

    And it’s bullshit.

  6. Unique Challenge >Being a “Man” in western society<

    Because suddenly being too emotional or too too invested in your career doesn’t matter. In this society overrun with numerous classifications of yourself there is no bigger unique challenge then just being a man.

  7. There is some pressure, since women still want men who are tall and earn more than them. But part of it is also just that that’s what men tend to want in life. Men are naturally more competitive. I think the issue today is declining testosterone and porn sapping men’s confidence and ambition. The chronic masturbation associated with porn decreases the number of androgen receptors in the brain. Androgen receptors are what enable testosterone to masculinize the brain

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