I recently got a boyfriend after being sexually inactive for a year, and every time we do it the pain is excruciating. He’s the biggest I’ve ever been with and I bleed EVERY time. I often have to ask him to stop mid-fuck. I feel horrible. I’ve stuffed myself full of lube and benzocaine and it does not help. I think my hymen healed back since we haven’t gone hard at it in about a week. Any advice? I love him and do not want him to have to go without, and I love sex with him when it isn’t so painful.

  1. The vagina can expand to push a baby out of. What’s likely happening is that you are not being aroused enough to take a dick that big. So you need to focus on foreplay.

    If it’s not that it could be psycho semantic. And that’s gonna take work with a therapist.

    Also 1906 brand weed pills has a Verizon called Love which is meant to help you relax and even potentially get super wet .
    I know that’s not for everyone but I’m just recommending it. Or maybe even cbd if your health permits

  2. I’d suggest finding a dildo that is a bit smaller than his size and using it kind of to exercise your vagina.

    For people with trouble even taking smaller dicks, there are vaginal dilation tools that function by starting small and stretching and then sizing up until they can take something bigger.

    I dont think you said you have trouble taking average sized dicks so Id find a dildo that you can take comfortably and work on inserting it with lube and clenching. It will open you up more. Even think about getting a dildo his size too so you can practice outside of sex and build to comfort during. I hope this can help!

  3. Please see a physio as this isn’t normal. Might be worth consulting a doctor but frankly they don’t care very much about our sexual pleasure

  4. If the pain is coming from his girth, then using a toy that’s a comfortable size to start relaxing those muscles before hand, orgasming before penetration, and making sure to put lube outside the vaginal canal near the entrance are all things that make a massive difference! If the pain is coming from his length, there are “bumpers” you can buy to ensure he can’t go deep enough to hurt you while still being enjoyable for him. If pain still persists, talk to a gynecologist to make sure everything is alright down there and go over options! I hope this helps 🙂

  5. Talk to your doctor, that kind of pain might indicate an actual medical problem.

  6. i have a friend who recently had a similar problem- the rest of these comments have good points that are worth looking at, but absolutely see a doctor as well. my friend waited to see a doctor and it turns out that her vaginal were deteriorating because of the pressure from intercourse. it wasn’t a wetness issue, he quite simply had a very large dick that she couldn’t quite take. she’s on a supplement now to rebuild and strengthen the vaginal wall so she can continue having sex with him.

    a large dick, particularly in length, can also bruise your cervix which also hurts like hell. the bumpers mentioned by another comment will help.

    vaginas aren’t like the anus- you can’t stretch them out by using a dildo (like some comments have suggested.) they can return to normal size after childbirth, they’re not going to stretch out from a dick.

  7. If you’re bleeding with penetration and that’s not been your experience in the past and the pain is so excruciating that you have to stop all sexual activity, it’s time to seek medical attention.

    The likelihood of your hymen growing back after a year is not impossible but it would be less likely if you use tampons, have ever masturbated with penetrative toys or your fingers. For some women certain physical activities such as gynmanstic, horseback riding, etc can also tear the hymen.

    You would not be likely to bleed every time if your hymen was intact and you’ve had sex daily for a week with a partner so well endowed as you’re mentioning.

    Additionally, if you’re truly using as much lube as you’ve mentioned, and still experiencing pain and bleeding this is beyond any help anyone online can provide. Seek medical attention. It’s not a good idea to use toys at home to try to solve the problem without knowing the cause behind your bleeding.

    Also, the color of the blood would be helpful to determine possible causes. If it’s red, it’s localized and new blood. If it’s brownish or dark red, have you recently ended your period? Could be other things as well but you’d need someone to have a look to determine

  8. See a goddamn doctor you shouldn’t be bleeding every time y’all have sex man.

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