Women who cut their hair,how do you feel about having a short hair cut?Do you like it being short or longer?

  1. Cut my hair short in 2020 and absolutely love it! Much easier to style and suits my face shape well. It also looks trendier than the style I had previously and is easy to adjust to fit current short hair trends. Downside is that my hair grows so fast that I have to get it cut every 4 weeks almost on the dot or it starts looking really unkempt.

  2. I chopped off about eight inches of hair after having a sudden, fierce desire to have it off one night; I went to get it cut the next day. A heavy weight was taken off my head and neck and my head felt so light and cool and fresh, it was great. Also showering and drying are much easier. No regrets!

  3. the shortest I cut was slightly above the shoulder. I personally love it and it makes me feel more confident. I currently have long hair (because the ends are dyed) but I’ll probably get it cut again before summer

  4. Honestly, the only times I cut my hair short was because I was stressed out and wanted to relieve myself. So idk if I hate the look or the circumstances associated with it

  5. Had hair down to my waist.
    Cut to shoulders.

    – Got sick of headaches, neck issues and taking an hour to detangle multiple times per day.
    – Worst tangles we’re at the base of the neck and hard to get throughly because I’m tender headed.

    Now it takes 15mins to wash and style.

  6. I’ve been trying to re grow what i cut off two years ago and am currently 1/2 way to my original length. I regretted my cut, but I did a terrible job.

  7. I’ve spent most of my adult life with shorter hair but started growing it back out a couple of years ago. There’s pros and cons to both lengths but I have really enjoyed gaining the length back again.

  8. Sometimes I like it longer, sometimes I like it short. I’d I cut it off and don’t like it, it’ll grow out again.

  9. I love short hair and chopped mine just the other day! I go a few years short, then grow it out, then go short, repeat. My version of short is usually above the chin, pixie-esque.

    My hair is naturally very fine but I have SO MUCH of it that the girth is super thick, hence why short hair can be really nice. Long hair and pony tails give me headaches, and I’ve never been into styling my hair with braids or anything.

    If you’ve never done it before it can be scary but also so much fun. It always grows back! And sometimes the texture will change after a big cut which is kind of cool. You just gotta cut it and rock it with confidence.

  10. Love having short hair, I feel much more me. I look at older pictures of myself with long hair and while logically I know it is me it just doesn’t register as me if that makes any sense.

  11. Mine is never allowed to grow past the neck-shoulder-corner. It gets in the way, catches fire, takes too long to clean, and doesn’t even look good.
    I have a very manly face, so with long hair people tend to mistake me for trans awaiting hormones, while with short hair, they assume I’m a butch lesbian. Neither is true, but for some reason I prefer passning as female, which I can’t with long hair.

  12. My hair length used to be mid-back. As much as I love long hair I found that with my hair being very thick I had a hard time keeping up with the constant brushing. So 1-2 months ago, I made the painful decision of getting a shoulder length haircut. While I miss having long hair, the pain of having to constantly brush my hair isn’t worth my time energy anymore.

  13. I’ve donated it many times over 1’, I prefer it to the bottom of my ribs, once it hits my hips, I cut 6-8” off but longer is easier

  14. I had extremely long hair until college because my mother made the decision of how long my hair would be. I had no say over it.

    Ofcourse when I went to University I experimented with length. I have finally figured out the perfect length which suits me and that I love.

    I have medium length below the shoulder hair with some long layers in the front. Absolutely love it.

  15. I’m loving my new very short cut. No more fussing and I got bonus person removal with the new very short hair + better in every way replacement person.

  16. I was curious and wanted to donate my hair. Honestly I think it fits me better. Also I spend a lot less time, money and effort in keeping it looking nice. Way easier. Definitely would recommend

  17. I currently have my hair short and go back and forth between having short and long hair and now that I live on my own and pay my own bills I go every 5 weeks to get it touched up and it makes me feel so good about myself. Like it’s better than doing a little spa day for myself. I feel like it is one of the few things I do only for myself that is for nobody else. Cause at that moment I only care about how my hair makes me feel and how it fits my lifestyle and routine. It also saves me money on shampoo and conditioner. I haven’t bought new shampoo and conditioner in like a year cause before I cut it I had a lot of different options but I will once in a while get a new hair mask for fun.

  18. I always had long hair (around waist length), then i did cut it a bit but still it was longer than shoulder length.

    but this year i finally decided to try and get a shorter haircut. it’s still a bob hairstyle so it’s not like super short, but I REALLY love it. it feels so good, the hair doesn’t feel heavy, it’s easier to wash and easier to dry. and i like myself more with the new hairstyle too

  19. Last year, I chopped off my hair from mid back to slightly longer than a pixie. I love it. I had very long hair from middle school through college, and I love that I don’t look like a kid anymore. I also live in a hot climate, and my hair is very thick and dark. My hair is much easier to maintain and style now, and I love having a haircut that complements my body.

  20. I had short hair several years ago. It was difficult to style, and I felt invisible. (Apparently it’s not your clothes or your smile that makes strangers notice you and approach you when you go out with friends. It’s the length of your hair!)

    One more problem you don’t probably think of – your figure type. Long hair creates a vertical. I’ve got an H-figure, and without hair my shoulders seemed too wide.

    On my old photos I look even cute. It makes me think that I could have a bob cut again… And then I memorize all those hair struggles 😀 With long hair I feel more “myself”.

  21. I look better with at least medium hair, but I sometimes get annoyed with it and cut it short. Like, ear lenght short. My hair grows out quickly, so I cut it to that and in 3 months is back to shoulder length. So, I love that with short hair I just wash it, brush with fingers and call it a day. But I don’t like how I look with them.

  22. Cut my hair off 2 months ago and I felt a sense of freedom. Like a weight was lifted off my shoulder. It’s freeing and very convenient and I absolutely love it. No regrets but I sometimes miss having hair so I wear a wig.

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