What makes a great father?

  1. I would say a person who wants to be a father, can’t be a good anything if your heart isn’t there

  2. It really doesnt take too much.

    Just be there, be involved, and be interested in their lives.

  3. As soon as your child is born and handed to you for the first time you are granted the title of dad. The dad spectrum is wide and varied from vile to stellar. We’re all dad’s. But time…time will test your dad-ness. Time will weigh your worth and in time your children will grant you the rank of father.

    A great father is forged. It’s impossible to envision one’s self as a great father because once you’ve emerged as the great father…he won’t recognize yourself as you are now. You can’t envision that which you can’t truly understand.

    You can’t see him in the mirror. Greatness…a truly great father…I’m can’t say I’ve known a truly great father in my 37 years of life.

    I hope that he sees me in memory though. When I look back as the great father at myself now…as dad.

    I won’t have this dad body forever. I’ll shed it for my father figure one day.

  4. Teaching their kid how to be a good person by example, even when they are not perfect. My dad was not always there, because he worked extremely hard to take care of us. He stood by my mother to the end through years of hospitalization and stood up for her every time he felt she needed help. He always valued his work ethic and what he brought to those around him even though he was not the healthiest person. He always held his ground for what he considered was right.

    A kid will develops their views and habits largely from what the see in their father. Whether they take it as a good example, a bad example, or a justification of their actions. Sticking to being a positive example is the best way to instill character.

  5. Showing up every day like you want to be there.

    Giving them tools, skills, and knowledge without expectations. My goal as a father is to teach my son everything I know about life… give him all the skills and tools I possibly can to set him up for success and happiness, and to do it without expecting anything from him. Like…for example, we own a farm. I want to teach my son how to grow food, how to work with animals, how to read nature… but without the expectation that he will grow up and want to farm.
    He may grow up and want to become a computer scientist and live in the city… but maybe when he does, he will have a nice little herb garden in his kitchen window that will bring him joy because I taught him ho to grow plants. I don’t care what he does with the tools and skills I pass to him… I just want to ensure he’s well-equipped for whatever life throws at him.

  6. Someone that stays around consistently. My dad is basically a voice at this point(which is admittedly more than most people get) but seriously just be there. I can’t tell you how many milestones I missed by my dad just not being present and I still don’t know why, he was around up until I became a teenager and we started seeing less and less of him over the years. I wish he was around for me and my younger siblings more because they didn’t get to spend as much time with him and I feel like it really had a huge effect on who we became as people.

  7. Being there for you child no matter what it may be, always showing confidence ànd letting the child know just how much you care and love them.

  8. A good father is a scared father, afraid he will not live up to his childrens expectations, it’s often the other way around

  9. There are many, many points that could be addressed in response to your question but I’m only going to tackle one of them. When it comes to spending time with your kids, quantity over quality wins the day. Simply having a father around for long periods every day is very comforting to kids and will go a long way to building good emotional health. I’m not saying don’t do quality things with your kids; absolutely you should. The point I’m making is taking your kid out for an expensive day of entertainment once a month does not make up for all those missed dinners, bedtime conversations, and so on.

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