This isn’t a huge issue as it’s a friend group I know very little and I usually ignore stuff like this without thinking twice. One of my close friends told me that I need to be more aware and stop the behavior. Your thoughts?

  1. If what they record embarrasses you. Stop doing it. Easy.

    Or be more mature and not give a fuck if they record you.

  2. Step one call them out on it the next time the do it in front of everyone. Step two if that doesn’t work escalate to to informing teachers, your parents, and their parents. Step three at this point its reached harassment, plus broken a few laws, so feel free to involve the police depending upon what they’re like in your country. Step 4 Apply a hammer repeatedly to their recording device, knock it out their hands and stamp on it, chuck it down the drain, whatever.

  3. Unless you live somewhere with restrictive privacy laws, the best thing you can do is just ignore it and not care.

  4. I mean if they did it once then that would be it. If they continue doing it day after day and you told them to stop, that’s harassment. Go to your superintendent and if they don’t help, maybe even authorities.

  5. I don’t think it would bother me so long as I felt like I was contributing and playing a necessary part too

  6. I think this is a good friend she’s trying to help you with bad habit. Work on the bad habit if she’s doing it to out right bully you and show everyone then maybe you shouldn’t be friends with that person

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