Hey folks. I’m 33 (will be 34 soon) and preparing to go back on Hinge after ~2 years.

My profile is not live yet, and I would appreciate opinions to help me make a good impression before I make it public when I’m ready.

Please share your thoughtful and constructive suggestions to help me on my life path.

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(I screenshot my pics twice to include the captions on them.)

— I wonder about the balance of my pictures? Anything missing, lame, just tired of seeing?

— I wonder if I should include more engagement / question for them to start a conversation?

— I noticed that Hinge has added a video and voice feature for the profiles since I last used it, and I would like to use these in a meaningful, personal, and/or fun way.

I’m looking for a monogamous life partner who’s interested in sharing that life vision.

My friends describe me as: gregarious, very affectionate, a ray of sunshine in many social situations (I smile big and laugh often), intelligent, strong, capable, independent, forthright with my thoughts / feelings / intentions, loyal, deeply loving and supportive.

Many thanks for your kind input ❤️


My last relationship (~1.5 year) ended because he wasn’t interested / willing to work through his anxiety, fear, and aversion to commitment.

This was the one I was most hopeful about and my longest relationship since college.

I last posted about that relationship here:

My partner (42m) is his own worst enemy with his fear and anxiety
by u/LovelyLyndley in datingoverthirty

I’m frustrated to have gone through many alternative kinds of relationships / situationships to come back to my truest desire for partnership.

I’m frustrated again that this most recent partner was the best relationship I had in many years in some ways, but ultimately was missing critical elements to move forward with partnership, home, kids, etc. His actions didn’t match what he said he wanted when we started dating.

Trying to rekindle some hope as I heal and prepare to move forward.

  1. Ummmm how cute is that sunflower photo??? I would lead with that one!!

    I’d take out the “cuddle and kiss/share touch” line, it’s a little much (for me), but otherwise I think your profile is great!

  2. Your profile is terrific! Definitely agree with another commenter that the sunflower pic is the most flattering. You sound very loving and positive. I think you’ll have no trouble getting matches!

  3. You look great and the sunflower pic is your best one. Your first prompt saying how you want to travel Europe makes it seem to me like you’re not ready for a serious relationship right now. Maybe make a hinge profile after you’re done with Europe?

  4. Sunflower photo make that your first photo for sure. Having the indoor photo modeling a dress is just less interesting. In that red dress photo the first thing I noticed was your posture as you were trying to pose cutely. I think if that was not your first photo I probably wouldn’t even have thought about your posture.

  5. Your profile seems so sweet! Personally. I would think about blurring out the little girls faces though for their privacy.

  6. “ I work to make my partner feel appreciated…”

    It just doesn’t sound right to me. I’m a Female.

    What do you think of aerial yoga pic as profile pic?

  7. Sunflower pic first. Then acrobatic photo, followed by dancing pic! I’d personally delete any pics with children in them because apps can be full of creeps.

  8. I think your profile looks lovely. I think it seems to give a pretty clear of who you are and what you want, which is the whole point. It’s not going to appeal to everyone, but you want to weed those people out, anyway. A profile is just as valuable acting to filter out the wrong people as it is to attract the right people.

    Best of luck finding someone who makes you happy!

  9. I’m sorry to hear about your past relationship, but it’s great that you have a clear understanding of what you want and need in a partnership. Keep your head up and stay true to yourself – the right person will come along when the time is right, and I think your profile looks great. You can tell a lot of time and effort into it.

  10. I think it is a good profile that will appeal to a specific subset of guys (hopefully the same ones you are interested in). I play Irish fiddle and would totally go to a Nickel Creek show with you!

    I might replace the piano/kid photo. That one gives me flashback to taking piano lessons when I was in third grade with the old woman from the church – not something I would want to see on a dating app. The violin screenshot looks very serious, hopefully the video is more fun!

    Good luck!

  11. I’m single and searching… I’m from Houston Texas if you wouldn’t mind to text Me privately

  12. You seem really lovely. You will probably attract guys that are into music as well, which great if that’s what you’re after. If not, change one picture into a more general pic or something? But I don’t think your profile really needs changing.

  13. Am I the only guy who feels like “sunflower field photo” is women’s version of “holding a fish” photo?

  14. I might take out the plans for future kids. That’s a conversation I’d wait to have, once you start seeing someone, but before a commitment conversation. Just say you haven’t any now, and are open to the idea. Likely the OLD app has a way just to say this without you having to.

    But if I was eligible to swipe right on you, I would.

  15. Great profile. The only thing is the picture with the kids. For some reason it doesn’t look good. You look older than your age in that one photo.

  16. You didn’t post your preferences aka if you smoke, want kids, etc. These will impact your experience enough that you should carefully consider how you answer

  17. Overall, your profile is good. I feel I get a sense of your personality.


    – Your lead-in photo is great.

    – The violin photo and yoga photo are good. I would say keepers.

    – The sunflower field photo is really good. I saw some other recommendations about leading with it. I would only do so if this field is not near where you live. There is a sunflower field in my area and every other profile for women when I was on the apps is a photo just like yours.

    – The photo of you dancing with a guy will turn a lot of guys off. I’d recommend removing it or cropping it (you look good in the photo).

    – The photo on the piano is not the most flattering.

    **Other profile items**

    I get the impression you’re a free spirit who never stops going and might not have tangible life goals. The way you throw in “and probably kids, too” feels like it’s an afterthought (and that you haven’t given it much thought). It’s a bit wishy-washy. Most men who want kids will want to know if you actually want them or not and, being a nearly 34 woman, you should definitely be more clear.

    The first prompt about your upcoming tour of Europe sounds like it going to be an extended trip (given that you will be painting and composing). It signals that any potential matches shouldn’t expect you to be around in the near future. It will turn off a lot of men who actually want to be dating you (i.e. seeing you in person).

  18. You’ve already gotten a lot of good advice, just thought I’d say that’s a nice looking swingout you’ve got there. Lindy Hop is great.

    Good luck when your profile goes live!

  19. I think your profile looks fine. I like the first photo more than others seem to. I would also blur the kid faces.

    I did a video on mine because Hinge kept suggesting it. My video makes me look fat, looks awful in my old apartment because the paint was peeling from a door, and my cat awkwardly climbs out of my arms. I still haven’t redone it because I’ve stopped caring about what others think. You could add a video if you felt it added value. Seeing a person move around adds more than a photo.

    Anything else I can think of it too specific to me. Doesn’t seem like you would have any problems when your profile goes live.

  20. This profile is way too perfect looking. I could see some guys being intimidated.

    I know some people rag on selfies but it’s a good way to show you’re a regular person. I’d put one not so perfect selfie in there to show that you’re down to earth.

  21. I like your profile, but one thing I have to comment is the lack of a front facing picture. Other than that you really nailed the music part very very well.

    Good luck

  22. looks pretty good! agree to others about sun flower pic. small nit pick: “monogamy works best for me”, i read this and it felt it implied other types of relationship works as well? not sure if thats what you intended?

  23. Love how intentional your profile is and that you are upfront what you are looking for! Hopefully this will attract the type of partner you want. Just one though that the mention of kissing and cuddling with the emoji.. that might appeal to a broader range of men than just those looking for a life partner. So beware of attracting casual types/time wasters with that one!

  24. Great profile! You have good pics and your texts give me a nice picture of what it would be like to date you.

    This would be an easy right swipe IMHO.

  25. If you seeking a serious monogamous relationship, what is stopping you from getting married in the future?

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