Okay, so as title says, my husband encourages all plastic surgery on me.

I had my boobs done in 2018, yet after having our twins, they’re not so perky after breastfeeding. He’s totally game for a lift and getting them bigger (bigger than my current implants).

I had a tummy tuck after our twins, I wanted to get rid of the skin on my lower section. Obviously, I’m cool with that.

I’ve birthed 3 kids, at 19 and 25 years old. I’m in the Air Force and in the greatest shape of my life. I love fitness and strength training and actually like my body currently….

My true question is; guys, if you encourage your girl to plastic surgery is it because you don’t like their current state? We’ve been married 8 years. He’s encouraged a BBL, bigger boobs (even though I currently have implants), liposuction, botax, etc, he’s down to pay whatever. Is it me? Is he being open to my desires? Or will I be lost forever in something I’ll never truly achieve?

  1. Personally I think there’s a line on plastic surgery that should not be crossed, and modifying your body to suit someone else’s idea of beauty is just not cool. But that’s just my opinion.

    In the end the only thing that matters is you and what you are comfortable with.

  2. It sounds like he’s being supportive of your choices to get plastic surgery, not necessarily encouraging you to get plastic surgery. Those are different things.

    I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a partner being supportive. I also don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with them encouraging it as long as they’re not doing so to pressure you to get plastic surgery. Is that we’re the case, I’d assume that he has an issue with your body and he’s trying to get you to change it.

    But from what you described, it seems like he’s just happy to see you happy.

    Do you feel like you’re getting the plastic surgery to satisfy him? Or do you feel that if you were to decide not to get plastic surgery that he’d be just as supportive?

  3. If I had ever encouraged my wife to get plastic surgery, it would be for her satisfaction only. Im not a big fan of it unless it’s to correct something, but if I’m asking to change SO many things, then…i don’t know man.

  4. Fuck that guy….he’s gonna turn you into a blow up doll….and those don’t age well.

  5. Apparently it’s a mute point at this moment because all the surgeries you’ve done are because you wanted them and he only encouraged you. You said you’re in the best shape of your life, stop talking about future surgeries and wait to see if he brings it up.

  6. First thing before anything, ONLY do any of these operation if you like the look it gives YOU. Don’t do it for someone else.

    As far as him, I think that any person wouldn’t mind that their partner look better than they currently do. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that inherently. I’m sure we’d all love a 10/10 (that’s in our own image of a 10/10) but, due to accepting our personal looks, life circumstances, personal goals, or other means, we all make decisions as to choosing the most realistic and best of fit partner we can.

    I don’t think his encouragement is bad. If he was trying to force you to do things, that’s where there’s some more serious things to consider.

  7. If you’re going to have more surgery, please make sure that it’s ultimately what YOU want to do. These surgeries as you know are invasive and recovery isn’t a walk in the park. It’s nice of him to be supportive but you and only you will have to live with it.
    I wouldn’t rush into anything right now as you obviously have second thoughts. Take your time and think about whether or not having more procedures is worthwhile to you. 👍🏼

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