Last night after a shower , rhe wife and I lay down on the bed enjoying the quiet comfort of just being together. We laying in a t with head resting on her hip. I had the fireplace going and we’d made just light talk. It was very relaxing to do this after a long day at work. The hot showere to get her felt good on my sore back as well. As I lay there, I was relaxed so much I nodded of fro about 15 minutes. When I woke up, still in the same position, both of nude, she was playing a on her phone! I mean like, WTF! I’ve been a bit perturbed by this and feel hurt. I just dressed in my that point and just went to real sleep. I would have thought that as we lay together shed maybe run her hand through my hair or gently caress my face and shoulders in tenderness of the moment. Nope, just laying there playing a stupid game on her phone. She can’t seem to understand my being upset over this. As I told her it made feel emotionally rejected by her. Yet she can’t seem to see that and continues to make excuses and minimize my feelings in this.
Does the concensus of you think that I have right to feel this or im just being to sensitive

  1. So you fell asleep and got mad she didn’t do anything? Maybe she didn’t want to wake you

  2. I also don’t understand why you’re upset! You fell asleep! Maybe she did all that stuff the first 15 minutes and then stopped and you don’t know because 👏🏾 you 👏🏾 fell 👏🏾 asleep!

  3. You were literally asleep. Even when I’m dying to have sex with my husband when he’s tired and sore I don’t wake him to have sex .. I let him sleep. She was letting you sleep and playing a game while letting you cuddle on her. My god.

  4. You were both relaxed, and you did what was relaxing to you (fall asleep) while she did what was relaxing to her (play on her phone). You’re mad that she didn’t make the relaxing moment all about you by caressing your hair while you slept? Why can’t she relax too without having to take care of you?

  5. Holy shit you fell asleep. You guys were doing nothing. Playing on her phone is probably a form of relaxing and unwinding for her. I LOVE scrolling on my phone while laying on my husband. I can’t believe this post is even real, you weren’t even paying attention to her but you got upset she wasn’t just obsessing over you and touching you while you were asleep? This is so weird

  6. So you wanted your wife to just gaze at you while you sleep, why? How would that be emotionally supportive? I don’t get it.

  7. You were asleep.

    You nodded off on her.

    If anything, she should be upset you fell asleep on her during a romantic moment.

    Get off your high horse and go apologize to the poor woman.

  8. So you fell asleep and are angry she did not do anything ?
    Did you ever think may be she was in a uncomfortable position with your head resting on her hip but did not move because she did not want to disturb her man who slept off because he was too tired ??

  9. You fell asleep and got mad she didn’t want to wake you? I don’t see what the big deal is, would you have liked her to keep waking you up?

  10. You want to be the center of her attention *while you are literally sleeping*.

    Man, that’s needy. Be grateful she stayed in that position, entertaining herself with her phone, to let you nap *on her* in peace.

  11. Wait… is this legit? You’re joking, right?

    Just like everyone else is saying, you fell asleep. Like… you were sleeping. The fact that she didn’t get up is commendable. She laid there while you slept on her lol. Props to her for entertaining herself.

  12. You’re too sensitive and you sound controlling. She has to do what you want even if you’re asleep?

  13. You were sleeping, what did you want her to do, wake you up? I’d be mad if someone woke me up

  14. Read some of the comments, these are my thoughts:

    – Working 12 hours shifts isn’t healthy I talk from experience. Try to get a different position/job with 7-8 hours a day
    – If she’s playing all day on her phone she’s got an addiction – there are help groups for that ITAA – it’s really good
    – When she plays games during sex, stop having sex don’t enable her/don’t hurt yourself putting up with less than is acceptable
    – She doesn’t have enough responsibility in her life it seems, therefore she’s bored + plays games all day. Do you have little children (0-4 years old)? If not she should find a full/part time job to give her meaning and something to do.
    – you have a need for better sexual and potentially romantic connection with your wife. Try to go on dates and LEAVE THE PHONE at home. She might be scared of that but it’ll be liberating! And probably uncomfortable at first. Work on your sex life. Talk about your needs to her and ask her what she wants sexually.

    MOST IMPORTANTLY before you can do any of these steps without passive aggressivness – you’ve clearly got a lot of resentment already – let that frustration and anger out! By boxing, and sort of MMA best with sparring, Jiu Jitsu, Shouting, any Sport (the exhausting type..), Hiking trips, Camping with your male buddies. Also take care of yourself so you can come into a more satisfied state. From there you can proceed with the tips up above.

    One last thing: don’t go into a conversation involving hard topics with your wife while upset/angry/frustrated. It’ll make everything worse. Let it out somewhere else first.

    Hope this helps.

  15. LOL… YOU feel asleep! What the hell, man. You are being too sensitive. What if your wife got mad because you fell asleep? Instead she laid there quietly. Good woman if you ask me.

  16. You slept, man.

    You literally fall asleep while expecting sexy time. You can be happy she is not mad at you.

    Just the imagination of me falling asleep on my wife’s advances brings me the creeps.

  17. Rather than attempt to understand the perspective of your wife you come to the internet to seek affirmation. You were asleep. Is she supposed to play out your fantasies without knowing what they are? You cause your own problems. Communicate better.

  18. What happened to men are you really this sensitive and feminine, she won’t be with you long if you continue to act like a teenage girl, she will be getting naked with a man

  19. Ok let’s assume you are not telling a fib, you act like a little girl and this has probably been this way for a long time so I commend your wife for staying with you, if you are this sensitive you have got to be hard to live with. I have been with my wife for over 30 years and yeah she will rub my face and rub my ears or hair when laying with me but not every time we are laying together I don’t care I appreciate the times she does it and the love she shows me and I show her the same love right back, our sex life is still great, she is my best friend and I love her with every ounce of my heart so I would never badger her about anything

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