A friend of mine asked me this one day. As much as it is important to know what you are looking for in a relationship and a partner, you should be able to also know what it is that you are able to offer. So I am curious to know about what people believe they have that would be valuable in a relationship and/or to a partner.

  1. I guess a stable job that pays well enough to be self-sufficient, a calm and collected personality with little to no chance of freakouts or breakdowns, a willingness to listen, and be a helper whenever I can (I suck at cooking, but I don’t want to stand by and do nothing while dinner is cooking).

    I don’t know if that’s good enough or if that’s just the bear minimim people should expect to have going into dating, but I at least know I got that going for me.

  2. I can build anything, fix stuff and keep a house running. If I dated a wealthy lady I could be a stay-at-home dad and keep the meals and laundry coming fresh.

    I have business and technology skills and could support a family on one income.

    Terrible sense of humor, but above average in the sack. Also extraordinary humilty 😉

  3. Nothing. Just love and being their biggest cheerleader…also art supplies 😂😂

  4. I bring a lvl 5 Half-Elf Paladin of the Oath of the Ancients with the Scholar background who has traveled to another region to develop his healing skills with the local forest-dwelling enclave of Eldath and fight corruption and evil with sword of truth and the spirit of compassion.

  5. A cat like attitude, tons of art supplies, home-cooked food, my nakedness 😂😂

  6. I have an endless well of love, and would offer it freely to the right person. I’m intent on becoming the best version of myself. I care about my mental and physical health. I’m spiritually connected to my higher power. I live by my values and aim for consistency. I’ve done a lot of work to get to where I’m at with all the above, and I know I’m capable of more than I can even see right now. I’m involved in my community which creates space for healing, compassion, accountability, and celebration. I’m often told that my looks are of value, if that matters. My work doesn’t define me, I find fulfillment other ways but I do get a paycheck and have plans set to drive for more when I’m ready. I don’t find money important, I’m more concerned with sustainability. I care about the environment and the living beings in it. I see magic in small things. I’m very lucky in many ways, and would very much enjoy sharing my life with another person. I don’t have anything to prove, I already know that I’m worthy of unbounded love. ❤️

  7. The truth is, I do know what I bring to the table, but at the same time, I hardly bring anything to the table that makes me worth dating. I just know for a fact that a woman will be turned off from the lack of what I bring. Sure I can be kind, gentle, treat somebody right, but at the end of the day, I just feel like things such as money, job stability, emotional maturity, etc., matter the most.

  8. I absolutely know what I bring to the table. It’s why I was single for as long as I was – I was busy working on myself. I have a degree, I’m financially stable, have a good full-time job, have a car, bought my own house, and got back into shape.

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