how important is your social media presence?

  1. It’s not

    It’s been about 2 months since I posted on Instagram, 3 months since I posted on FB, the only one I’m currently active on is Twitter and that’s only because I join in the MAFS Australia watch along during the week

  2. It’s a little important finance wise and promoting my work wise but that’s it. I do enjoy it for the social aspect and sharing pictures.

  3. My job is social media so I truly dislike the engagement part of social media. I enjoy TikTok where I can just watch content and curate my feed based on what I’m interested in. I do like having my IG so I can share things I do with my kids and things I do when I travel. But other than that, it’s not that important. I don’t worry about my post and how many likes it gets – i just use it for sharing info.

  4. I have only reddit and tiktok, and keep my identity off of both. Keeping myself hidden pls

  5. It’s not important. I do like to look at it tho, it gives me creative inspiration sometimes.

  6. Absolutely not at all. I have Facebook to get updates on activities in my town. There’s nothing on my profile. My Instagram is just to follow tags on interests I have, I don’t follow anyone. And that’s what I have. And I have had a date dump me over it because apparently it’s a sign that I’m anti social and has something to hide 😂

  7. In what way? It’s important as an easy way for me to be able to keep active connections with friends, colleagues, and family living far away from me. It’s unimportant in that I don’t use it for generic social validation and don’t care about likes/follows or whatever.

  8. I’m just on Facebook to keep in touch with family and friends. It’s efficient. One post takes care of notifying people. Other than that, I don’t care about my presence.

  9. I seem to be in the minority but I’d say it’s quite important! Obviously on Facebook I’m “me” but I like the fact that here and elsewhere I can “hide” but still make my views known.

  10. Close to 0%. I only keep my Instagram so that I can keep up with like 20 people. If I deleted it tomorrow I don’t think I’d notice after a couple of weeks. I deleted my Facebook a few months ago and was convinced I was going to miss it, I haven’t had the desire to check it once since.

  11. The most comment response is HELL NO that I’ve seen so far but for someone like myself I’m gonna give a perspective and you can decide if you think I’m lame or whatever

    Very important.

    I started a dumb Twitter account back in 2018. It started going viral and getting big and suddenly I had people in my DMs offering me jobs. I worked on TV pilots, short videos. Wrote articles.
    I made money.
    I got free stuff.
    I still maintain the account but I make sure to keep it on brand. It’s my second income, it gives me creative freedom.

  12. Honestly I try to maintain a decent presence. I’ve been bullied all my life and I struggle with taking up space. Posting on social media helps me cope with that

  13. I don’t want be viewed as a bad person on social media but other than that I could care less about it. My Instagram accounts are all set to private, except for the one I made that is about my pet dogs (which I haven’t posted on in a while oops). My Facebook account is private and I don’t really post on it at all. I just browse it. I don’t have Twitter and my TikTok account is just for browsing and I think it’s a private account… I’m not sure.

  14. Depends on what exactly is considered social media. The only ones I actively post on are Reddit and Tumblr and out of those only Tumblr is important to me because that is where I go to talk to insane gay people, but I personally don’t really consider either social media even though I guess they are.

    I have an account on twitter, insta, facebook and snapchat, but the last time I actually posted anywhere was in like 2011. I just use them to keep up with friends and for my online stalking needs.

  15. It is not important at all. There are very few people in my life that I want to keep in touch with. For those that I do I can text them about how things are going. Haven’t posted on Instagram in over a year. Have not updated Facebook since middle school and don’t have the others.

  16. I dont have one.. I have an IG and a FB for my small business but my face is on none of it and I have to make myself remember to engage and post. Still have no idea how to do IG stories lol

  17. I post sometimes, but mostly about my baby, husband, or dog. It can be fun, but it is in no way a priority.

  18. Meh. I have moments when I care and moments when I don’t. I’ll say the ones that have my identity shown get less of my time than reddit and discord. Insta I watch more than post

  19. It’s mildly important because I do modelling part-time, and bigger social media presence helps get connections with photographers, other models, and with brands. I don’t particularly like working on it, but it helps open up more opportunities for the stuff I do like.

  20. My private? Not at all. I have Instagram that I’ve never posted anything on just to give to people that I don’t want to talk to/don’t want them to know anything about me but kind of want to talk to them (like people I meet on Reddit or Tinder) + my professional instagram with my photography portfolio. That one is actually important. Same for Facebook, I only post on my photography one.

  21. As a comedian it’s a necessary tool to connect to my followers and promote my shows. I’m not super great at it but at the very least I just make sure whatever I post is entertaining and inline with the image I’m trying to maintain. It’s really important to me in that sense – I hate social media but see it as a necessary evil for what I do.

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