Have been married for 2 years. And i’m starting to notice that most of the things i used to do with my wife are starting to get old and boring. Here for some new ideas

  1. I would never say my marriage is boring, I mean sure a lot of the day to day is routine so not much excitement there.

    However, if you want to say something exciting we do. Well, when I go golfing she’ll go along with me, and read her erotica out loud while I play. It makes things more exciting.

    If you’re looking for something a little more normal? We look at live music being played around and about, so we might mage a drive to some local dive bar to watch a punk band with four fans on MySpace play.

  2. I like photography so I like to take erotic/boudoir/racey pictures of the wife. I think she’s hot as hell, she feels good being all sexed up, I get a lot of awesome pics, she gets new outfits, and it always ends in sex so it’s a lot of wins.

  3. Skipping a bra and panties make outings more fun for us. Bonus points for being commando in a summer dress all day when it’s warm.

  4. Sometimes I’ll fart quietly and wait to see how long it takes her to realize the smell.

  5. Date nights monthly. And then a night once a quarter. Two long weekend vacations per year.

    Now that we have kids the vacations become a little more difficult, but everything else keeps us spicy.

  6. Projects, projects, projects.

    My wife is the best team-mate ever. We tackle all sorts of projects. We have renovated two houses, done major construction projects, rebuilt classic cars and motorcycles, arts and crafts, you name it.

    Two years ago, my wife asked me a favor. She said “I know we are always working on things but when we go on a date night, can we not talk about projects like it’s a business meeting?” Click.

    So now, once a week we have date night out somewhere. We have a rule, no phones and no work or project talk. We both come with one new topic to discuss and one “game.” Sometimes it’s trivia, sometimes it’s “memorize the room.” This really helped keep the relationship strong instead of just being “business partners” so to speak.

    That’s how I interpreted the question…

  7. Surprise with her new lingerie and then give her a full body massage with vanilla scented oil.

  8. Make sure you have hobbies outside of her so you’re not too familiar or dependent on her.

    Flirt with her in a way you haven’t done before.

    Hit the gym if you don’t already. She’ll notice a change over a few months.

    Dress well when you go to casual social events. Like a nice polo, dark jeans, and stylish shoes. She will get a charge out of it if any of her friends talk about how they like the way you dress (or that you’re getting buff. See above).

    If you’re thinking in the bedroom, try to ease into doing new things when you’re very much in the heat of the moment.

    Tease her a lot. Like amp up the banter. And banter with other women as well. Not to affect jealousy, but to get used to it.

    Take what works, ignore what doesn’t.

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