Women who stopped giving it your all and established boundaries in friendships wherein your kindness wasn’t reciprocated, how did it go?

  1. They faded away into nothing, unfortunately. But my mental health is better, for not constantly bending over backwards.

  2. It almost always ends up killing the relationship, which should not stop anyone from establishing healthy boundaries.

  3. I stopped contacting them. And when they reached out to me, I said my goodbye. I don’t regret it because it has saved me from all the drama and the pressure to make them happy when the effort wasn’t being reciprocated. It took some time but I am at peace with choosing not to hash it out and moving on.

  4. Amazing, 100/10 would highly recommend. It turns out other people can also give something in the relationship!

  5. We don’t talk anymore. It’s like they are vampires and I cut their supply.

  6. A couple things happened…

    1. lost some friendship or friendships greatly decreased in closeness. It was sad a first but I realized how much better my overall mental health is.

    2. Friendships got closer because they respected the boundaries and we were a lot more honest with each other on what we can provide

    3. Made new and more fulfilling friendships because I wasn’t putting energy into people that didn’t put energy back

  7. Realized they weren’t my friend. They simply did not have room for me in their lives. Which was why I always felt it was one sided, but it took me backing away to see it. They simply never reached back out. We see each other around, say hi, but don’t hang. Really nothing lost other than me trying harder than I needed to create something that wasn’t meant to be.

  8. Took me a while to realise that I used to do things that made me feel uneasy. And when i learned how to say ‘no,’ i lost almost all my friends. Which im very glad about. The few who stuck around are amazing people, and I dont feel the need to have more friends.

    Apart from that, men dont like it when they dont receive the kind of behavior they expected. Again, I dont care about that either. Im going to please my mental health however I want to

  9. Well this morning I found out my best friend betrayed my trust, as another friend disclosed it to me by accident. So I’m not even going to address it with my best friend and am going to set very strict boundaries without their knowledge. I won’t be telling them another secret again, I can assure you of that.

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