What could a girl say to confess her feelings without making things awkward in case it’s not reciprocated? How would you want to know?

  1. It’s always going to be awkward if it’s not reciprocated. It may not always stay awkward though.

  2. Funny enough I fucked a relationship by being vague in fear of rejection.

    Be direct and ask the person to be direct; anything other than a “yes I want to date” is a rejection

  3. It’s basically impossible for it to not be awkward if the feelings aren’t reciprocated, although how awkward it is after depends on how both parties react

  4. What makes things awkward isn’t the confession gone awry. What makes things awkward is their reaction to the confession gone awry.

    He’s either going to be on the same page (congrats), or he won’t be, in which case you go, “oh okay, I understand. Had to try.” and then just treat them like you would anybody else. Things will quickly go back to normal unless the guy is an immature toad. In that case, he would have caused an issue regardless.

  5. Well, my guess is that if he hasn’t made a move on you yet, it’s because he doesn’t see you that way.

    So it’s probably gonna be awkward no matter what.

  6. Just be straight with us. I know some guys are better at picking up hints than I am but just tell me.

  7. Question 1) How would you feel if a guy/friend told you that he fancied you?

    Question 2) How would you feel if one of your friend’s girlfriends told you she fancied you?

    Question 3) How would you feel if I told you I fancied you.

    Question 4) How would you feel if <give name of much older / middle aged woman you both know> told you she fancied you?

  8. At a party, a girl I talked to for a bit said “I love you” in Mandarin. I think she kinda meant it, but we were also drunk so I didn’t think too much of it. Then, her friends pulled her away and told her she’s drunk.

  9. Make it as awkward as possible! Tell him you want to have 10,000 of his babies!

    Tell him you’re on a quest to find the worthy one to handle the ring of fire!

    Then stare at him, and say “Well? Are you that man!”

  10. Just be matter of fact and concise. The important part is not flipping your shit if he says no.

  11. Don’t confess feelings, just ask him on a date and use the word date. Then kiss him at some point

  12. You can ask him for coffee or dinner date, easy and low pressure to accept or reject. That way he could have an easy out if he isn’t interested or a way to get to know you better if he is

  13. Be direct, but not over the top. “I really like you, if you asked me out I would say yes without even stopping to think about it”. Leave it at that. Ball is in their court, they can choose what to do from there and you’ll have your answer regardless of what he does.

  14. It’s only awkward if you let it be awkward.

    If the guy says No, just bat it off casually like “OK cool, no problem, just thought I’d ask. Do you still want to be friends?” Guy will probably say Yes.

  15. As the guy that has been lucky enough to have had this happen to him a couple of times. Just be honest, be genuine, confess the way you wish you’d get confessed to by a guy you didn’t like. We are aware that you can get feelings for someone, that it’s not under anyone’s control and really it’s a compliment.

    He may not know how to respond and may make it awkward, but that’s not a reflection on you or your feelings. Again, the mere fact that you feel this way is not anybody’s fault and it shouldn’t be considered a problem! Understand that it may change how he feels about your current relationship and that that’s not your fault. If he’s a real pro he might ask you if you’d be content to stay friends, but consider if this is what YOU want because he may not ask.

    But above all, just be honest, and if he rejects you, do your best to handle it with grace. Let him know if you’d prefer to continue to be friends or not, and if he doesn’t know right away, let him sit with it and decide without pressure – even if that means getting back to him later.

    You may feel the urge to disappear if he rejects you, I totally get that (been the rejectee plenty too), but trust me, knowing where you stand – even if it’s waiting on him to figure out his feelings – right away is going to help *loads*.

  16. Which feelings? Just liking someone, loving someone, in the mood to smash? Like each one is handled differently.

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