I feel really bad, that friend i meet with for the first time while my mental health was bad, the next day of we meeting she sent message and i didn’t reply to her in a yesr and half, to be honest i really don’t know why i didn’t reply, i wasn’t feeling good for few days ,but when i stsrted to feel better i felt anxious to explain why i didn’t reply for few days and i didn’t want to say my mental health was bad so i avoided replying for months , now i don’t know what to say to her i sound likd a crazy story snd crazy person if i told her the truth, i need help?

  1. If you genuinely care about her say
    Thank you so much for thinking to text me. Im so sorry I haven’t been in touch, it isn’t personal. I hope you’re doing well, happy holiday.
    That also leaves the conversation to either continue talking, or not, on better terms.

  2. I’m really bad at staying in touch too. I don’t dwell on the past and just reply in the moment if I can. Just because you’ve effectively ghosted them doesn’t mean you have to keep doing so!

    I think most people appreciate that you have your own stuff going on and won’t press it, although sometimes they’ll ask if I’m okay since they couldn’t reach me and were concerned, and at that point I might give them more info depending on our relationship.

  3. Just reply “Thank you. Happy holiday too.” If you wish to reconnect, add in “How have you been doing?”

  4. Turn it around on her. Insist that you responded and you’ve been waiting a year and half for her to text back.

  5. I think the fact that she texted means she forgives you. She might even understand because she knows about your mental health. Just say Thanks! And you can add “How are you?” If you are feeling up to it 🙂

  6. This happens with a lot of my online friends, I get busy (or they get busy) and it snowballs. I don’t dwell on it usually when we reconnect and just focus on saying how happy I am to hear from them. Life happens, it’s not personal.

  7. Just take a deep breath, text her good holiday back, and forgive yourself. You’re sick, like mental illness is the same as cancer or diabetes. It’s an illness and should not be stigmatized

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