How do you feel about pooping at work?

  1. I don’t like it. I’m a teacher, so I don’t have much time between classes and I tend to try to use every last minute of my prep and lunch periods, and I *certainly* don’t have enough time between classes. The staff bathroom is also an old/converted student bathroom, with like a dozen stalls in it, so there’s always the risk that a colleague could walk in mid-process and hear/smell things I do not want them to encounter.

    Plus, we installed under-the-seat bidets on our toilets at home and now pooping without using a bidet feels like camping and it’s awful.

  2. Uncomfortable AF. The bathroom at work opens right into the office (it’s a big open plan room), and I’m always worried about sound and smell, and did someone notice me take my phone and will assume I’m pooping?

    It’s also physically uncomfortable, the toilet is the wrong height and the seat feels weird.

  3. Perfectly okay with it. Getting paid to poop is a win. I have no qualms about pooping wherever there’s a toilet.

  4. Put tissue down before you poop to avoid the sound. Flush the toilet before you wipe..

    Do it everyday

  5. Not only do I enjoy pooping at work, I’ll often poop before clocking out so I can be paid overtime for my work.

  6. It’s never really bothered me at all… but I’m a fast pooper so I’ve rarely had to go with someone else in the room. Changing a pad at work is 100x worse.

  7. My office is next to the one single toilet bathroom, and I share a wall with it. The misfortune of listening to everyone else poop is offset by knowing that no one else can hear ME poop.

  8. I recently got that “poop Spray”, it’s basically essential oils in a spray that forms a smell barrier on the water. Helps a lot with the poop-xienty, because unfortunately you gotta what you gotta do.

  9. No issues with it. I can’t imagine wanting to be in physical pain all day instead of pooping at work!

  10. I work at hospital, 12 hr shifts, dealing with poop already, I think it’s a given that everyone goes lol

  11. The boss gets a dollar, I get a dime, there’s no problem poopin on company time! 💩

  12. Nope. I don’t poop in public. Period. I have a bidet on my toilets at home, and I can’t go without them.

  13. i have a routine that I will poop before morning shower but you know, the IBS is full of shit sometimes

  14. Nope. The bathroom at my office is close proximity to everyone around. It is central. Obviously if it is an emergency, last resort.

  15. Depends on how many free minutes I have, and how empty the women’s locker room is.

  16. Last time i did, another manager told my boss that i was in there too long. And I explained to her how do you poop faster?

  17. My favorite to place to poop lol. The bathroom at work is much nicer than my bathroom at home

  18. I can’t poop in public places. Don’t know exactly why, but I have a huge mental block. I’ll postpone it until I arrive home

  19. I hate it, I work in people’s homes and I am a chronic toilet clogger. 🤣🪠

  20. I’m super uptight about pooping at work. I’ll wait until break and then go on a walk to a coffee shop if I have to go.

  21. Try to avoid entering all work toilets and did so pre-covid.

    Too much potential for getting caught up in bathroom arguments between senior staff members that have despised each other for years.

  22. Dude I have irritable bowel. I will shit in the parking lot if need be. No shame in my game. Gotta go, gotta go 🤷🏻‍♀️

  23. I make sure I only do that on a toilet. Never at my desk, or that of my boss or colleagues.

  24. If I gotta poop I gotta poop. My grandma died of colon cancer when I was 9 and my mum told me it’s cause she never pooped in public and held it in. Which looking it up is a contributing factor in developing colon cancer so.

    I will say our new office has gendered stall washrooms but then non gender individual ones and I do use those for pooping usually. Probably other people are doing the same. Just so no one can smell or hear you.

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