I’m a pretty abnormal guy.
I don’t watch Netflix(not because of self improv or anything like that…I just find it extremely hard to watch films and have 0 loyalty to shows)

I like video games and have 2 consoles, but I use one of them once every 3 months.
My interests are Guns, and huge machines and historical politics (everything from Machiavelli to ww2 stuff.)

I find it hard to laugh at many jokes because they aren’t that funny,but my own humor is crude.

But I want to make friends with the normies around me and they want to talk to me( especially the chicks) but I don’t engage them , because I doubt they’re interested in the mechanics of the cz 75.

Any advice?
(age 17,IQ 145) if it helps anything?


I’ve got no problem actually speaking…I speak fluently and can hold eye contact with anyone

  1. Themselves mostly, whether it be an accomplishment, job, interests, or thoughts on a current event.

  2. Actually there is a research i have read before in a physiology book tells that

    If you are smarter than average you are unlucky in relationships and most people have many friends because most of people are not smart

    Conclusion is people can magnet each other if they are near to each other iq and thinking style

    Means you will never have loyal friends except people who have the same iq you have or near to it

  3. As another commenter noted, being smarter than your average bear isn’t so great for socializing with normals. Intelligence is a blessing and a curse, and ignorance truly is bliss.

    I’ll note that it wasn’t until grad school that I found peers I could just throw down some serious ramble with.

    Not that I’m calling myself some epic brain, but I’ve put in my share of learning over the years, one may say…

    And for reference… never tell people your IQ. It’s really not helpful outside of scholarly context and it puts people off.

  4. You can take interest in almost anything if you put a bit of effort in.

    I had a flatmate who was really into fashion (which doesn’t interest me at all) but the way he described people dressing in the various countries he had been to was actually quite interesting because it did express cultural and even political norms.

    Also, you can do a Sherlock Holmes thing on people where you figure out what they might be into – as long as you are coming across interested rather than creepy. I once had a new hairdresser and kind of did that. She mentioned that her husband was a farmer and I said “Oh, that would explain the cow card!” She had a birthday card on the counter with a dairy cow on it. She went “Oh. Yes! I guess it does!” I don’t think she’d even really noticed that herself. I’m not particularly interested in farming, or people’s relationships, but setting yourself a little challenge like that can make it more interesting.

    Almost any job that another person does has some interesting elements to it. The way that customers behave, the way that management behave. As long as you’re interested in psychology and human behaviour, you can find something worth talking about.

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