if a sibling made a joke about you that hurt you at their wedding how would you respond?

  1. With an equally hurtful joke about them (it’s a joke why should they be offended)

  2. Give them a “wtf” look and move on. I ain’t about to enter a vortex of drama.

  3. “That joke you made at my wedding was a real zinger, I’d get you back but I doubt I’ll ever have the chance…”

  4. Depends if there was malice or ill intent behind the joke. I wouldn’t mind if there was no malice behind the joke.

  5. Remember that first scene of the first episode of Arrested Development where Jason Bateman is smiling in the picture? Because at that moment he’s decided to cut his entire family off? Something to that effect

  6. yeah I did that, I made a rather tasteless joke about having set aside some money for a divorce lawyer as my wedding present to my brother and sister law, both of them started laughing but the attendees were mortified

  7. “Hey, that was a good joke. Hope you tell it at your next wedding too.”

    No honestly, I would just eat it. I have made a point to not get into family squabbles, either your part of the family that I share support with or you’re not. If you’re not, I don’t concern myself with much of what you do.

  8. Just take it and give something back in private or at an opportune moment that would be a great revenge

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