How to become decisive? I feel like I never know what I want in life and I’m tired of living like I’m unsure of myself.

  1. Try flipping a coin for your daily decisions and do what the coin flips says. You will get used to deciding and will practice not thinking so much about a decision that you never end up making it. Decision making takes practice and this might help you. Obviously, please don’t do this with big decisions (i.e. doctor says I need surgery but the coin said nope)

  2. The first thing is forgive yourself for making a mistake and learn from those mistakes. Learn not to make the same mistakes repeatedly.

  3. Well first you have to know what you want in life. Decide on a long term goal. Everything that could effect that goal immediately becomes an easy decision. If you don’t have end points, you’ll never know where to turn, because every turn will be arbitrary.

  4. I feel you. I was deciding between empanadas and a cheeseburger for dinner. We can never be sure if we made the right decision

  5. Understand that part of being successful isnt just about making the right decisions. Its also about simply making a decision and following through. Leaders arent good leaders because they can analyze every little detail, they are good because a lot of times what choice they make doesnt matter so much as simply making a choice itself and then seeing it to the end.

  6. The answer is very easy. You need to understand that other’s don’t know more about you than yourself.

    So basically you have two options. Trust others who can’t make a more informed decision than you can or trust yourself.

    Once you understand this life becomes easy. You will still make plenty of mistakes, but at least they will be your own and forgiving yourself is much easier than forgiving others.

  7. I’ve been indecisive pretty much my whole life, living by other peoples terms and ideas that seem right and convincing myself they are, but only you know what you truly want. You do need to know what you want in life to make those decisions but it’s better to know you made those choices rather than regretting not choosing at all.

  8. Ask yourself real questions.

    So there are two ways you can either figure out what you don’t want and from that elimination you will land on what you do want.


    limit your choices on a matter to three and decide which would would be the best , why, and what you are willing to do to get it.

    You don’t have to draw it out either so an example is this the other day I wanted some wings I had three choices 2 of them i could walk the other was a drive. If i didn;t feel like the drive now I got two.

    the key to being more decisive is not being afraid of being wrong, it is okay.

  9. Easy, we only live once so if you never take some responsible risks you will never know.

    There’s a huge difference between responsible risks and making stupid mistakes tho.

    Once you have done that twice or so, you no longer have this “fear”.

  10. Make lists, then do binary sort.

    Your list has A,B,C,D;

    A or B? A

    A or C? C

    C or D? C

    There’s your choice. If you don’t follow through, it’s not because you’re indecisive.

  11. step 1. give yourself 4 options

    step 2. go with the third one


    if it works on tests it’ll probably work in life too

  12. 1. Give yourself permission to screw up.
    2. Fix what ever you just screwed up
    3. Repeat
    4. Grow. The more mistakes you make, fix and actively learn from the less mistakes you make, regret and hide from. This sets a mind set that grows self-confidence and being decisive. Not something that just happens over night, but neither is your entire life.

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