So ive been on a date twice with this girl and when i pick her up i either just nod, smile and say hi or shake her hand, alot of people say that i should get out, hug her and open the door for her but tbh i never liked that idea, and i thought about hugging her in the car but that would be weird too cuz i never tried hugging someone in the car i feel like its gonna be awkward, do i stick with what im doing or is it wrong?

  1. I have to concur with getting out of the car, quick hug. open the door for her, honestly? Why dont you like the idea?

  2. Fist bump is the way to go my friend.

    Seriously though, I usually just say hello/hi/hey with my eyes lighting up because I am happy to see the person. I feel like it’s more genuine that way when I don’t try to be anything too extra.

  3. Well you do everything for the first time if you do it the first time. Later you will kiss a girl and have sex and it will be weird for the first time too. I usually I got out, waited for her, kissed and hugged and opened the door for her, let her sit closed the door and then I got in the car.

    But if you didn’t kiss her the hug will be ok

  4. Salutations madam, may you please ingress my vehicle and prepare for a splendid evening of fun and frivolity. Please be sure that in the likely event of intercourse my inadequate size is compromised by a nonpariel level of experience.

  5. My personal favourite when I’ve been seeing a guy is if they enthusiastically say “Hey, you!” Before giving me a hug 🤗 Makes me feel like they’re glad to see me ☺️

    Hand shaking seems a bit too formal imo! You can just say “Hi, how are you?/Good to see you!” and you don’t have to touch. Tone of voice can be used like a distant affection 🙂

  6. brooo, cut out the handshake! It’s not a business meeting! And when you pick her up, why not exit the car, give her a quick hug and then enter the car again?

  7. “…alot of people say that i should get out, hug her and open the door for her but tbh i never liked that idea…”

    That’s exactly what you should be doing instead of sitting in the car like you’re picking up one of your buddies or some “platonic friend”. Many folks would say greet her at her front door!

    Pulling up and shooting a text message, “I’m here.” or blowing the horn isn’t a *romantic* gesture.

    Most people try to make a person they are infatuated with *feel* special.

    Generally speaking, if you talk and act like a *friend* you will be viewed as a *friend*.

    The difference between dating and “hanging out” is *romantic* intention.

    Ideally when you’re talking on the phone there should be some playful flirtatious banter, and in person there should be some incidental touching while talking/laughing on the date, possibly hand holding if you’re taking a stroll, and leaning in for kiss to end the date.

    Kissing and hugging is only awkward if the person initiating *isn’t confident or comfortable* with doing it or if it’s something they’re doing *way out of left field* without reading the room.

    If you’ve been flirting back and forth, talking/laughing, had eye contact.. hugs & kisses are natural.

    If you want to learn how to swim eventually you have to get in the water!

    ***“Never allow waiting to become a habit. Live your dreams and take risks. Life is happening now.”*** – Paulo Coelho

    Best wishes!

  8. Get out, yes. It shows more enthusiasm – you don’t have to open the door for her. (I think that’s weird personally AND I’m older) But try commenting on 1 thing about her appearance– it can be small “cool shoes” etc. because she spent time putting herself together for you and noticing could mean a lot to her. Pay attention though– you’ll be able to tell what she likes and doesn’t like by her body language.

  9. Don’t shake her hand! Lol
    Some girls are cautious. Either sit in your car or get out but always give a NICE smile. Not one of those tight lipped awkward smiles. Genuinely say “Hey! How are you? You look great”
    I’m an outgoing person so on the first date with my husband he gave me the awkward white dude smile and I gave him a hug 😂 he was nervous so it’s understandable.

  10. As long as you’ve been on a number of dates already and y’all like each other, hugging is fine. I really don’t like it when guys want to hug you even before the first date is over.

  11. “Hey, it’s nice to see you.” “Hey, it’s nice to see you too. How have you been?” “I’ve been good, I’ve been good. You?” “I’ve been good.” “That’s good, but anyways are you ready?” “Yeah, let’s go.” And then go from there.

  12. Yes, you should definitely get out of the car, give a polite hug, and open the door for her.
    A hug in the car is awkward, agreed.

  13. I love when a man gets out to greet me, gives me a hug and then opens the car door for me.

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