It seems as though they don’t taste as good as they used to.

  1. > It seems as though they don’t taste as good as they used to.

    I’m not sure they ever did.

  2. I am not sure they were ever good.

    Maybe you’re experiencing some kind of nostalgia effect


  4. I don’t remember when Nestle bought them, but maybe that’s got something to do with it. Crust is definitely not the same as it was in the ’80s.

  5. Not from the US but all consumer goods will go down in quality in the name of corporate growth. They need to continually make profit or it’s considered loss. At some point, less quality ingredients will have to be used to save money

  6. Probably nostalgia, rose colored glasses and all that.

    Might even be a fair bit of decline of quality in the ingredients as Nestle moves to cheaper ingredients for higher profits.

  7. I think it’s just that I have gotten older. Those things have probably always been shit.

  8. I liked them in my early 20s, about 20 years ago. Then I quit eating them. Tried them again 10 years ago and they really sucked. My thought was that I got better at cooking and they’d probably always sucked. They certainly weren’t ever great, just my favorite cheap convenience food.

    Don’t know if they’ve gone downhill since then, and I won’t be trying them to find out.

  9. Yes. Along with everything else. Everyone’s trying to shave a little off to make more money. Also, you’ve gotten more demanding in your food as you’ve grown up.

  10. It’s possible they’ve gotten worse, but it’s also likely they’ve always been junk and people just tend to have lower standards when they are teenagers or younger.

  11. I am not sure if it’s a decrease in quality or if it’s just that my tastebuds matured.

  12. If you want a hot pocket to taste decent, you have to cook it some other way than the microwave.

    Air fried with a spritz of olive oil to darken the crust seems the best to me.

    Take 13 minutes instead of 5, but it really makes the difference.

  13. I don’t know about any individual type of hot pocket, but I think they’ve gone down in quality because they’ve gotten rid of all the good flavers. What happened to the cheeseburger ones? Or the ones with barbecue sauce? All I can ever find are the pepperoni pizza ones, and they were always crap.

  14. They were never great, but they are significantly worse now than they were probably ten years ago. I lived off them when I first moved out and didn’t know shit about anything. But they were cheap and easy, so I went with them. I had one recently because I needed something quick and I could barely eat it. It didn’t great crispy and felt doughy and bland. I wasn’t expecting some serious gourmet shit, but it wasn’t even the overly salty grease bomb that charred the inside of my mouth with lava cheese like they used to be.

  15. No you’re just older and not eating like a kid anymore. I use to love them and now I can’t stomach them.

  16. Nah pretty sure it’s the same plaster-base used at the caulking factory it’s always been

  17. I feel like they’re a bit crunchier now than when I was a kid but I still eat them from time to time. Might have them for dinner tonight now that I think of it

  18. I used to dip ham & cheese hot pockets in creamy peanut butter. I haven’t done that in probably 15 years or more. I don’t have any desire to do it again, despite remembering that I loved it.

  19. I’ve noticed in general microwave food has gone down in quality. I don’t know if it really is worse than before or I’ve just matured my taste buds.

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