Hi, first off i know looks aren’t everything but i’m genuinely curious about this.

I was with this girl and honestly when i first met her i just saw her as normal looking. Not unattractive, but also not ‘wow’. Just like any other girl but my type, so a little above average. The first few dates this stayed the same, i found her attractive but nothing amazing. Then as i started to fall for her (which was right before she ended things with me…great timing) i started to see her as super attractive.

Now in my mind she’s the most attractive person on this planet, and i have no idea why. I also compare other girls to her, and she always wins. I think even a supermodel would lose against her at this point. I showed my friends pictures and they say she’s a 6/7, and i’m thinking are you out of your mind?? Whereas when i started dating her i saw her that same way, attractive but nothing special.

I think the rejection may add to this too? Is this just your mind playing tricks? I wonder if i’ll ever find a girl attractive like i do her again?

  1. Of course. That’s what I mean when I say I’m tired of the stereotype that “Men are visual creatures” like that’s the only metric we judge beauty. Emotional attraction plays a big part for us too.

  2. Yeah, that’s pretty much just classic infatuation. I’m certain that you both not being together exasperates it. The heart wants what it doesn’t have, I suppose.

  3. Guys idealize women when we fall for them. It’s evolutionary. That’s what you’re feeling right now.

    Enjoy it for what it is. It’s a hell of a ride. But know that this could be an illusion, and be prepared to deal with that if the time comes.

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