Hi! I’m 21, my boyfriend is 31, we live together for about 7 months now. We have sex only once a week now, I know he hates his job and all but even when I try to be sexy and fun and mess around to get him going he turns me down. Then when he’s “ready” I’m not in the mood. Wondering how woman who have been in long relationships deal with this?

  1. You talk about it together outside the bedroom. You approach it with care and kindness (think compliment sandwich). Just keep in mind that it’s you two against the problem, not one vs the other.

    I highly recommend the Sex With Emily Podcast, she talks about this kind of thing often. You can even listen together.

  2. If a man is going through job problems,he wont think of sex.Money is far too important.

    Be compassionate,listen to his problems and then start talking of sex

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