21M and 20F. I initiated our first kiss 2 months into dating and it was kind of awkward. It got better now but it’s always just a peck on the lips. Since I made the first move on that I don’t really want to initiate making out but I’ve been thinking about it and wanting to do it. I even had a dream last night which we made out. We almost kissed properly about two months ago which he initiated but I was super awkward and I kind of panicked and fucked it up. I don’t know if it’s beacuse I haven’t made out for a year or if we are sexually incompatible. I’m scared to ask him in case it’s that we’re sexually incompatible or I come off too strong. I don’t know what to do.

  1. 5 months and no making out? theres something wrong there. are you sure this guy is interested? is there a reason why he doesnt initiate or have you asked him?

  2. What is there to ask him?

    You’ve been dating for months and haven’t had a real kiss.

    Whether he is attracted or not, you’re not physically drawn to each other enough to even have the most basic form of intimacy. If you are genuinely and deeply interested in an asexual relationship you need to be a grown up and move on. This isn’t something you can ‘talk’ through. It’s just not there. At all!

  3. My guess is that you want to move the relationship forward (whatever that means). One of the many things I can freely admit is that I’m not a mind reader and I’m guessing neither are you. I am also guessing you have unique reactions to situations. So for me to know what you think/feel about a situation, I would have to ask. Then I would have to tell you what actions convince me of those feelings.

    Alternatively, you can go by cultural standards. Last I checked, the culture wasn’t doing so well.

  4. It sounds like youre both just shy. Ask him about it, or initiate again. If he was uncomfortable with that he probably would stop coming around.

  5. Hmmm is he asexual ?

    Maybe he doesn’t really know how to and gets all up in his head ?

    Maybe he hates kissing ?

    Idk too many reason.. just try making out with him and see what happens ? Or even scarier talk to him about it.

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