My bf and I (18F)recently started having sex but we have done it more times raw than with a condom. I’m on birth control so it isn’t as bad but I do want to get in the habit of using them more just to be safe. How do you resist or remind yourself to use them?

  1. you just do it? you should’ve used them in the first place, unless he has had a vasectomy or your tubes are tied or something there’s always a chance of pregnancy. don’t be surprised if you end up pregnant if you keep doing what you’re doing

  2. Add 69 to your foreplay and after you’ve been doing that for a few minutes (or when you are ready for him to be inside you), get a condom out and put it on him while he’s still hovering over you. You could slap his ass like you are a coach sending the best player in the game.

  3. If you have sex in your bedroom, keep a box close by. When you start making out and it looks like there might be some PIV, get a condom or remember to tell him to get a condom.

    Sure, you’d have to stop sexy stuff for a bit, but it’s not that hard. Another option is to have you put the condom on and include it into foreplay routine.

  4. I guess I just always have. I stopped to make babies and stopped for a while after a vasectomy, but now that I’m single again, I imagine it’s what I’ll be doing forever. I’m just used to it.

    Give your guy extra compliments when he does it? It’s just the smart thing to do.

  5. Condoms are cheaper than pampers. Before I was on BC, loved to be cum in, but I don’t want any kids, and I don’t want to get any abortions (I’m not judging people who do get them).

    The motivation to avoid kids is what forced me to advocate for myself and force my partners to use them. It’s the responsible thing to do depending on your situation.

  6. You just set a rule, no sex unless you have a condom on. Have condoms accessible at all times and it becomes real easy to stop the action until a condom is on as they are literally right there.

    I’m certain there are things you absolutely won’t do even if pushed to do so, just start treating sex with no condoms as one of those things.

  7. Start talking about how cute your kids are going to be, and he’ll never forget it afterwards.

  8. When your period stops, (because the pill is NOT 100%), you’ll be reminded in such a way that’s pretty much unforgettable.

    As for how to resist, it goes a little like this: “Sexy time? Sure! Put on a condom. No? No sexy time.” <—– That’s a really corny example. Word it how you please, but WORD IT.

  9. I’ve got two kids, which we planned. they have taken all our time. we rarely can be alone together. it’s been 12 years, and will likely be another 12 before they start to move. it has cost us thousands of dollars.

    again we chose this. Are you choosing it? think of that.

  10. I got a vasectomy because sex with a condom on is worse than masturbating depending on the partner

  11. I tucked my stash under the corner of the rug closest to the bed, so I wouldn’t even have to get off to find one once sexy time started. Much less of a mood killer and easier to remember when part of the rug is bulging up.

  12. Keep them where you can see them, and preferably right next to wherever you guys typically have sex the most. Like if bed, keep them right next to the bed

  13. Keep them around. If you don’t want to just have condoms laying in plain sight maybe find something else to put out to act as a reminder. Make sure you don’t run out and they aren’t hard to get to.

  14. Google some pictures of herpes, genital warts, and other STDs. There is no one willing to lie and cheat more than a teenage guy.

  15. Why use condoms if your on birth control ? Honestly both is pretty overkill and if it’s a monogamous with your partner it’s so much better without and enjoyable. Birth control rates these days are 99% +. Only reason I would recommend a condom is if your sleeping around.

  16. We have a saving account with a specific folder of birth control, so we stablish the amount of money we expend on birth control each month, from there we alway buy the pills and the condoms for specific “theorical fertile period”, I said theorical since we use the pill as well shouldn’t be an actual fertile period.

    From there what we do is that each month we buy all condoms we will need on the month and the pill pack, if we still have condom left from previous month we save the money, in that way we always have condoms and pills at any time and we as well have savings that if accumulate will use on buying sex toys or sex adventures.

  17. I’m confused about how you would manage to forget. It’s like forgetting to put on clothes or shoes before leaving the house. You just do it because it’s obvious that you should.

  18. I just don’t want to impregnate woman, that reason is enough for me. STD’s are bad too

  19. Tell him to use condom or you will leave him.. then suddenly he will make peace with condoms and child is not the only thing it’s about SAFE SEX.. STIs are there. Be safe girl

  20. Stay telling him not without one.
    No glove no love.

    After a time or two he’ll remember.

  21. Honestly, if you both got tested beforehand and continue to do so once in a while, and if you’re very careful with your bc, you don’t really need a condom. With my first bf, I was on bc and never got pregnant. Birth control is usually 99% effective (sometimes more) so yes it’s not 100% effective but like every bc.

  22. I don’t really use condoms, as long as I know that the partner I am sleeping with his clean I don’t really mind… this being said it does not stop you from getting STDs if you know that your partner doesn’t have anything.

    Condoms are all the same, the cheaper versions do exactly the same trick as the more expensive versions.

    I would recommend keeping a box close by, or putting some in your bag, so that you remember

  23. “baby, I’d like us to start using condoms all the time, for my own peace of mind. I find the possibility of pregnancy really stressful and two forms of birth control are more effective than one on its own.”

  24. Here’s my little trick to remember to use condoms…

    Right before I’m about to put my penis into a vagina, I put a condom on my penis.

    Works every time.

  25. I was having this problem with my bf so we got tested and I got an IUD. 🤷🏽‍♀️if my iud failed i’d be buying a lotto ticket

  26. If your ok birth control and don’t want condoms, you can instead use spermicide. Like with anything, make sure you use that thing correctly.

  27. Ok it’s time to finally ask: what’s everyone’s problem with condoms? Some brands are so thin that the difference with the feeling is so so little (yes, I tried both with and without them, and also asked other people experiences and we agree with that). Sometimes I read posts in this sub that say how horrible is wearing condoms and that these people start using them just because it’s the only bc they can use (for reason x). Even with casual sex🫠
    Recently I read a post where this guy had unprotected sex a few times with a girl he met on tinder and now that he is feeling sick (like a cold) he worries about HIV. Man why the fuck do you keep having unprotected sex if you are afraid of STDs?
    Honestly, I (and all the people I know, but also according to memes and post on social media – btw I’m in Italy) never questioned the use of condoms

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