As the title says, I look about ten years younger than my actual age. Im short, I have a baby face, I dress youthful, I’m also a little delayed in life, so I have more in common with people in their mid to early 20s than I do people my age. I have a lot of younger guys show attraction towards me, and I am also attracted to them. I dated a guy in his 30s once and he told me I was really immature. He went on to date someone who was divorced and owned a home, so way way way different than me.

Recently I’ve had three guys who were age 24, 23, and 21 show interest in me and the feelings were mutual and palpable but I didn’t pursue any of it because I feel weird and guilty about the age gap.

When I was 21, 23, I was more like 17,18. I’ve always looked really young and I mature a little slower.

I also have a learning disability/mental illness that has delayed my progress.

Idk I just don’t want to be lonely anymore. I think most people assume I’m 22, 21 which is why I’m attracting people in that age range and why men my age don’t seem to be attracted to me.

I think an added bonus is I’m just a little bit more mature than those guys which gives me an upper hand and makes me feel a little more secure.

Is it bad to date someone who is almost ten years younger than me.

  1. I think 23-24 is far enough past being a minor that the age gap shouldn’t really concern you. I mean why wouldn’t you want to date people you have more in common with?

    I’ve dated women who were 29 and 32 before while only being 24-25 which went fine and didn’t end bc of anything related related to the age gap.

  2. I’m wondering where are all the 25+ guys gone !?!? (Me personally being 27) and it’s not bad to date who is younger than you as long as they are emotionally mature and there to support you !!

  3. 30 year old male here and we have a lot in common. Why can’t we meet? In all honesty the youngest age I would date a woman is 24 but we can’t choose who we like so do what makes you happy. I will say that a lot of guys in their early twenties are still really immature and looking to just have fun.

  4. I say see who you want to see and live your life. Considering the circumstances with which you were so bravely forward about, date who you want to but try to keep it casual. I wouldn’t worry so much about being in a serious relationship if I were you, stay single and keep your options open. The type of guys you are attracted to may be fun and exciting to be with, but they likely offer little to nothing in terms of building a solid long term relationship. And the truth is you also may not be able to provide enough to build a solid long term relationship. Learn what u truly like about guys so that you can better understand yourself. Don’t worry so much about commitment, focus instead on building experiences you can learn and grow from.

  5. 29M, I wouldn’t be opposed to it but it’s not about the age gap as much as it is about personality & maturity. If you find find someone that you are attracted to at that age, and they meet your emotional needs, why not go for it. The only issue I can think of is, people at that age aren’t looking for a life-long partner (otherwise rare) so don’t be surprised if they leave in a few years.

  6. Well keep in mind that when that 20 year old youthful man turns 30, hes probably gonna be more attracted to a 20 year old youthful woman than a 40 year old woman. Most men instincually perfer younger partners and while there are men who date older and it works out(brock lesnar and sable) the reverse is actually the norm.

  7. I (35m) think it’s important to be on the same level as another person when it comes to emotionally maturity. It helps communication, ability to form compromises, make your life goals clear and your boundaries clearer. It’s important to be yourself in the most genuine way possible so your potential partner can really understand and know who you are on that level.

  8. I’m 37 and have been having wonderful hookups and fwb with guys between 20-25, we get along great and we are very honest about what we are wanting.

    Nothing wrong with going younger (consenting adults) as long as they know ur age and ur on the same page about commitment and where you are at

  9. I don’t think it’s so much an issue to date younger. Ultimately what matters is are you in the same pages with maturity, interests, views, etc. I’ve met women of various ages through my life and had connections all over the board. Ultimately I’d think just have a conversation with said person to make sure they don’t mind or anything. If you are attracted to younger then do so, just keep it within reason of course (legality).

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