I(23F) was having sex with my SO.He wanted to do anal fingering on me and he did.
It was my first time on the receiving end and I did no preparations for it.Without thinking about it I said yes to it.
And he got poop on his finger!Ugh I’m so embarrassed!
I know it’s normal for this to happen and he was totally ok with it, comforted me and just laughed it off.
But I’m still so embarrassed.

Edit : Thank youu for all the sweet and funny comments(plus the tips)😂😁Made me feel better.

  1. Keep doing it, and the embarrassment will pass. Many women turn out to love anal. Anal is very enjoyable for men, so much so that they put up with a little poop. If the man is not embarrassed, you needn’t be embarrassed.

    It’s a good idea to insert a lubricated finger in to wipe the rectum clean before penetration. Have paper towels there. I don’t believe in using enemas. Needless time and expense. After the man comes, he should promptly wipe himself with sanitary wipes, or wash in the bathtub.

    Tiny flecks, or a brown tinge, are OK, just wipe them away before starting. If there are smears, maybe this time is not a good time for it.

  2. It happens.

    I’m really into anal with my fiancé and even with very thorough preparation I have on a few occasions unintentionally 💩💩 on him.

    So don’t feel embarrassed, even us veterans encounter it every so often, the key is to be mature about it, clean everything off and not let it cancel your entire night it just means no butt stuff that night.

  3. It is embarrassing, but shit happens, literally sometimes. How did he handle it? Hopefully, well, and you can just tell him that you really do want to do it, but maybe next time you can do some prep first.
    I know I have to do at least a little prep most often times. My wife somehow, is like almost always good to go. I also try to take Metamucil as well to help keep things a little cleaner.

  4. They sell finger condoms,it’s like a glove but for individual fingers ,even if stuff gets on that you can take it off and throw it away

  5. I think you know now to prepare before any back door action. If he had shit on his finger from just one finger going in this is something that could have easily been prevented – that’s not me being harsh, but as you feel so embarrassed about it it may be reassuring to know you can maximise your chances of this not happening again. He obviously also knew you hadn’t prepared so I’m guessing he took the risk that that would happen. It’s always, always going to be a possibility after all 🙂

    Try not to worry just see the funny side, embrace the embarrassment and take steps to minimise the risk next time !

  6. Oh wait till he pulls up and has a nugget on the top of his dick, you play around lone enough with back door your get dirty

  7. Anal play is a lot of and, yes, s*it happens. If this is a one-time event just shrug it off. If you want it to become more regular and to minimize these types of incidents I recommend:


    – get some Psyllium fiber and take daily. It’s good for you, I get the powder which is tasteless and mix it into my protein shake. Pills are also available


    – purchase an enema bulb. 3x for me just before playtime and I’m clean as a whistle


    Have fun 🙂

  8. Just keep some condoms ready for this. He can slip a condom on his finger and then he won’t get any poop on his finger. So you don’t have to constantly prepare for it.

  9. So you have spit in your mouth when you kiss. You nose runs, your mucous membranes produce mucous. He had the appropriate response, think that through, and learn from it. It’s nothing, concentrate on how good it felt and that he liked making you feel that way. That’s all that is important.

  10. So except from you still being embarrassed there is no real problem and no question, isn’t it?
    The embarrassment disappears with time and through doing it more often, it won’t be any time like this, every time it is different…

  11. Meh. By next weekend you’ll be over it. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Shit happens in that area all the time. You’ll be fine. And good on your boyfriend for not being a douche about it. Sounds like a great guy.

  12. It’s really not embarrassing. Last time I fingered my bf he was not prepped for it. I can’t wait to do it again.

  13. I love anal and firmly believe in wearing gloves! I’m not out off by poop – I work in a hospital – but it makes life much easier.

  14. YOU have nothing to be embarrassed about. If he wasn’t bright enough to figure out that sticking his finger in someone’s LITERAL shit hole just might result in shit happening then it’s really him that should be embarrassed.

    That’s like poking a hole in a vein and being surprised when you find blood.

    Edit: proofreading snafu

  15. 💩 happens. Don’t be too embarrassed! As an old leather top told me many moons ago…

    “If you play in the honey pot, don’t be surprised to get some honey.”

  16. When I(M60) have done this with women before, I have never cared about getting something on my finger. We both enjoyed it so much!

  17. Just a natural thing, enjoy with him and next time be prepared for anal action 😉

  18. This happened with my wife years ago. I didn’t mind it I still tease her about it but it hasn’t stopped the butt play

  19. Take a breath and relax. It’s totally normal, even with proper preparation.

  20. I’ve done that and been so drunk I didn’t realize until the following morning when I seen under my fingernails

  21. Trust me, anything negative he felt about having poop on his finger was overruled by you saying yes to this ask.

  22. I had my finger up my gf ass 100+ times and this never happened looks like I’m over due

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