My wife and I have just had our first baby, every time I look in the fridge I find it amazing/strange that we have milk that came from her in there.

What’s the weirdest thing you have in your fridge?

  1. My mum has a Twix with a best before date of 1994. It came with a second hand fridge she bought in 1996 – hidden in the top shelf egg tray, and has moved 3 houses and 2 different fridges since then.

  2. Just delighted I read on and you weren’t keeping your new born in the fridge.

  3. we have a fridge in the garage that has a long forgotten / ignored tub of what i think was spaghetti bolognese in it.

    i’m just gonna throw the tub away, when i get around to it, no way am i opening it.

  4. A box of crickets

    I’ve got a few elderly reptiles that aren’t the best at catching their food so i tend to throw the crickets in the fridge to slow them down a little 😂

  5. Back in the day kept a tupperware dish with some live peeler crab for fishing hidden in the bottom of the crisper funny thing was i stopped doing it shortly after the wife discovered it .

  6. A tiny piece of wedding cake from 13 years ago. I never tried that particular cake “fresh” on the day but have kept a small piece for god knows what reason.

  7. A few syringes full of a byproduct of genetically engineered hamster cancer cells

    no i won’t elaborate

  8. My phone spends an unreasonable amount of time in the fridge. “Ive lost my phone again” “did you check the fridge?” “Nope…. FOUND IT!”. When I go on autopilot things left around on worktops end up in the fridge, it’s just how it is ¯⁠⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

  9. Some Dead Sea mud from a trip to Jordan last summer… I took some home in a Tupperware with the intention of doing face masks with it, but man it smells gross. But it came all this way I can’t get rid of it!

  10. Half a moldy leek. I should do something about it, but it’s got to the slimy stage and doing something about it would mean touching it and now I don’t want to.

  11. Currently, it’s probably film, very old Special Brew, lots of homemade chili sauce.

    The weirdest thing ever was when we lost the remote for three days (when tv remotes just came in…1970’s) and my brother had left it in there.

  12. that’d be a toss up between the edibles or the dog’s chemotherapy drugs

  13. 3 dead pet fancy rats (freezer counts I hope) waiting to be buried once we move out.

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