I’ve been in the UK for 7 years now, and I’m in the process of applying for a citinzenship. In these past 7 years, I’ve only used my EU driving license as a form of ID (for buying alcohol for example). However, it is due to expire soon and I will be unable to renew it due to medical reasons.

After my driving license expires, what can I use going forward as an official identification document? AFAIK there is no government-mandated identity card in the UK.


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  2. Passport or driving licence. You must have a passport if you’ve immigrated?

    Consider applying for a provisional UK driving licence even if you don’t plan on taking the test. It’s a photocard ID just like a full licence and it should be accepted, although when I had mine about 20 years ago some places were a bit sniffy about it.

  3. UK driving license is probably the default for most people who have them.

  4. Passport for me, as that’s always acceptable. Driving licence is next on the list, after that unless you have specific stuff like an armed forces ID there isn’t much that’s an option.

  5. Depends what you need it for…..proving age for getting served beer, buying cigs etc your passport will do fine. Anything more official or passport will also do fine but will normally be used in conjunction with a council tax bill or the like to prove address.

  6. Passport, Driving Licence, PASS hologram Licences (although not government, it’s enforced by the NPCC and SIA from what they say), etc. Basically any official government issued ID that can be easily checked for authenticity.
    Just whilst it’s on my mind possibly try to apply for a PASS hologram or question anyone that may need it in the future as they might also be helpful.

  7. Where are you going that after seven years you still have to show ID to buy booze? What kind of baby face do you have?

  8. I’m using my 3 year expired driving licence. Never once been questioned. Dates are clearly not checked.

  9. **[OP or Mod marked this as the best answer](/r/AskUK/comments/120tw29/what_is_the_standard_id_in_the_uk/jdj3qib/), given by u/ZEAndrewHD**

    Passport, Driving Licence, PASS hologram Licences (although not government, it’s enforced by the NPCC and SIA from what they say), etc. Basically any official government issued ID that can be easily checked for authenticity.
    >Just whilst it’s on my mind possibly try to apply for a PASS hologram or question anyone that may need it in the future as they might also be helpful.

    [_^What ^is ^this?_](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/jjrte1/askuk_hits_200k_new_feature_mark_an_answer/)

  10. ID for alcohol and tobacco can be an expired passport or driving licence as long as the photo is still recognisable as you. I work in retail and if people everyday

  11. I recommend you exchange your EU driver’s license for a full UK licence. I don’t know which country you have the licence from, but generally they let you exchange them for a small fee. That’s what I did. And then you don’t have to take any test ever. It’s gets more complicated once the EU licence goes out of date, so I’d get on with it sooner rather than later.

  12. There’s a national ID card in the uk but unfortunately most shop staff aren’t trained to recognise it as genuine ID and will refuse your transaction. Best to get a drivers license,, provisional license or use your passport

  13. As others have said – apply for the UK Provisional Licence.

    Also, good luck with your citizenship application, I hope all goes well for you.

  14. If you don’t want to carry around your passport (wouldn’t recommend) and can’t pass a driving test, your two main options are a provisional driving license or a citizencard. Both are similarly priced and you can apply online – I’d recommend provisional since a few places will reject citizencards.

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