Do you ever wish there were more mainstream films centered on platonic friendships between men and women? Why or why not?

  1. Yes, because there’s currently a popular (though false) belief that friendships with someone you theoretically have the capacity to become attracted to are doomed to fail or are insincere somehow, and media narratives could go a long way in shifting people’s thinking on that.

    Not only does the lack of awareness/acceptance of male/female friendship dynamics make them harder to achieve and to feel good about – it also contributes to people doing toxic shit like not “allowing” their partner to have friends of a different gender. This is abusive behavior under the guise of “normal” suspicion/possessiveness and it’s gross.

  2. Yes but they’d be unbelievable. Irl men always want more. They do from me anyway!

  3. I guess it depends on what you mean by “centered on” in your question. I think showing platonic relationships between people of all genders, sexualities, racial/ethnic/cultural groups, etc should be absolutely normal, but I wouldn’t go to see a film that’s specifically focused on centering a mixed gender friendship because that’s not the kind of film topic I seek out. For me, the relationships between characters can add context to a story, but it’s not an interesting enough story on it’s own for me to want to watch it.

  4. Yes, especially if it’s not a straight woman and a gay guy, because those already exist and why that’s a cool friendship to have it gets repetitive and implies the only way men and women can be friends is if the man is essentially feminine, desexualized and not attracted to women.

    Generally, I’d love more movies that have strong bonds between characters who are not lovers and never will be

  5. Absolutely yes. Less unneccessary and bad romantic subplots, more power of friendship.

  6. This is why I watch the first Pacific Rim on repeat. Mako and Becket are platonic soul mates and showing how they develop such a loving and respectful relationship wiTHOUT making them kiss in the end makes my heart so happy. Plus all the cool robots fighting aliens stuff is great too.

  7. Hell, yes! Some of my best friendships have been with men, and I absolutely hate the “men and women can’t be friends” trope.

  8. Definitely. I think society needs to work much harder at normalizing the idea that men and women can just be friends sometimes. Men always want more in my experience and then I come away sad that I thought I had a friend but really I didn’t. I don’t know if portraying it in movies would make it better though.

  9. I think mainstream films need to focus more on human intimacy in all its forms, so yes.

  10. Yes, because there’s still too many people out there thinking that mixed-gender friendships aren’t real and maybe more representation in media would help normalize it, especially for young people in toxic environments.

  11. Yes because I have 0 interest in anything else. It wouldn’t matter though because people would sexualize any relationship

  12. I’m nuetral, I’m not sure if that would change the dynamic much better the opposite sex. I’m all for men and women being friends, and I notice women naturally do this. The men however, if they’re attracted to you it’s not as easy because some want more, whatever that is.

    Just from my experience, I have to have a stronger boundary with men. But a film is still nice to see to show it is possible.

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