TLDR: I’m not going to respond to a girl for my sanity because she takes a long time to respond.

I’m going to a museum with a girl this week. We’ve hung out together before, but we didn’t really call it a date, it’s something that just happened. We were studying and she said she wanted to go to a museum, and I took it as, she wanted me to take her there. So I did, and we set it up.

After that, we’ve been just texting, but the texts have taken a few hours. I know for a fact she’s not busy so it’s annoying to anticipate her texts and have it make or break my day (I’m exaggerating this a little, but you get the point). I got a text from her earlier, and they’re not dry, but they’re just not fun to wait for, so I ended up just not replying. I will say that I’ve also taken a few hours because I feel that she’s playing a game and I don’t want to appear to clingy. This time, I won’t reply though. I will wait until the day of the museum and text her.

Is this a bad idea?

  1. Dude stop playing games. Reply when you normally would. Just not instantly. Give it at least 20 minutes. Stop making this girl your focus who gives a shit if she texts you quickly or not. You said it yourself you haven’t even been on a real date yet. Focus on your own life my guy. Don’t let this girl be the center of your day. You’ve got way more important shjt to be thinking about and doing than monitoring some girl who may or may not have taken too long to text you back. She clearly doesn’t care how long it takes to answer you. Why? Because she’s out living her life doing shit not worried about checking her phone or getting back to guys that validate and give her this much credit. If it makes you feel better to take a long time to answer her back just accept you arent fixing the problem you will just make your conversations with her even less consistent overall.

  2. Bro a few hours isn’t a long time to respond. You’re both people with lives, relax, it’s not worth even a tinge of worry until like, a 2 day turnaround time and even then it’s not a major concern

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