i (f17) have a friend (m18) who doesn’t hide his interest in me despite knowing I’m gay, and it makes me uncomfortable. he gets clingy when i tell him I’m gonna be busy for x amount of time, doesn’t stop disturbing me when he knows im busy, sends me “goodmorning bby” or “goodmorning my favorite x,y,z”, he once said “i like you”, always says stuff like “talk to meeeee” and i find it annoying and ridiculous

or if i express that I’m very overwhelmed with school and stuff, he says “don’t worry it’ll be over and you’ll be with me”, if I’m upset over anything it’s “don’t be upset, you’re talking to me”

and i find him overly clingy for someone I’ve known for a few months, i don’t want him in my life but idk how to do it nicely

  1. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.

    He’s being relentless, so you just have to come out with it and block him or he will persist.

    “I’m sorry _____, but I am not, nor will ever be, interested in furthering a relationship with you.

    I think it’s best for both of us if we stop all communication.”

    Then block him.

  2. “Do you talk to your guy-friend like this, too? Please stop.” If he doesn’t… block.

  3. Ask him to cut the baby talk and see if it gets better? He might be totally different without that.
    You’d be doing him a favor in his life.

  4. Especially at your age, a friendship is nearly impossible when one party has romantic feelings and the other does not. You’d be doing him a kind favor by removing uim for your life so that he isn’t constantly overanalyzing your replies and holding on to hope that there will be a relationship in the future.

  5. This would annoy me from literally anyone. I’m straight, and even if he was physically my type, the second he started talking like that, I would lose any and all attraction to him immediately.

    If you don’t have friends in common, or you honestly don’t care about the fallout of ending things, then just be direct “look, I find you to be way too needy and demanding of my time. I don’t see you that way, and I never will. Your refusal to respect my boundaries has led to me dreading every interaction I have with you. I am blocking you from my phone and socials and I hope you respect that and leave me alone in the future” then block him everywhere and call it a day.

    If you do have friends in common, and are likely to run into each other fairly often, then you might want to try a slightly different approach. “Look, I don’t appreciate how clingy and needy you constantly are. We are not a couple and never will be, please stop acting like we are. I find it offensive and borderline harassment. So cut it out.” Then just stop interacting with him unless it’s in a group setting. Hopefully he will get the hint and more or less leave you alone.

  6. I can maybe help you out here. My one friend I grew up with is in the same boat as the guy that’s into you but with another woman who is gay as well. You’re lucky, as it beens about two years now that my one friend and the girl he likes have been friends now. It’ll probably hurt at first and a bit afterwards, but you gotta be honest with your friend. If this continues overtime you’re gonna overtime get annoyed by his behavior overtime and as time goes on his behavior may be something you eventually just put up with or ignore. You should ‘t have to put up with your friend’s comments or clinginess even though you made it clear you’re not interested in him. If you’ve tried this already, you may have to resort to blocking their number, social medias and all, and stop seeing or interacting with them in person. It’s never easy ending a friendship but in the end you’ll just lose time. I’m not sure why this guy cannot just take the hint and move on. I’m sorry you have to put up with that. The girl my good friend likes decided to tolerate his behavior. Don’t do this. One can only take so much clinginess. I hope everything works out for you in the end.

  7. I would say some version of “I’ve been feeling a little uncomfortable. The other day you said good morning baby to me and told me you liked me. It would mean a lot to me if you could drop this kind of language and talk to me like you would talk to a strictly platonic friend.”

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