I(M22) matched with her(f21) on tinder, and we talked on there and then switched to texting for a little over a month before I got the courage to ask her out. We’ve gone out twice, last friday and yesterday, both went very well imo. For context, I’m a pretty shy, introverted person and she somewhat carried the conversation, but I think she still enjoyed herself because after both dates she’s at least agreed to meet up again lol. After yesterday I texted her to tell her I had a great time and wanted to see her again, and she responded by suggesting a movie night at my place this upcoming friday. We have not done anything besides hello/goodbye hugs in terms of physical stuff, I just haven’t thought the moment was right for it yet, and also I’m not very experienced at this stuff (my last gf was when I was in high school) so I’m worried about misreading a situation. Am I correct in assuming she isn’t just interested in watching a movie per se? Im especially new to the whole online dating thing so I dont know how to guage how quickly these things progress

  1. Bruh, that’s AT LEAST her wanting to make out. And if it turns into more than that, then let it happen!

  2. Just hangout, have some laughs,….maybe snuggle a bit. It is better to be conservative to get her wanting more than u doing some shit that might creep her out

  3. MAKE SURE YOU CLEAN YOUR GOT DANG BATHROOM…..and clean up in general…get some room smell goods, but not overpowering that it makes her queasy

    Box of the “things”…..just in case, but don’t make the night about that. It’s better to have them there then not have them there….some ladies like when we’re responsible lol

  4. Relax. Don’t expect anything more than just hanging out, but be sure to keep a flow going, too.

    For reference, I invited my most recent ex over for our second date and while I didn’t make explicit sexual advances, I flirted a little. “You can sit closer. I don’t bite.” “Last piece of pizza. You wanna wrestle for it?” “Let’s get it on (starting the movie, sorta).” Playful little comments like that at the right time. Nothing happened in terms of getting intimate but it was still one of the best dates I’ve ever had.

    If it’s gonna escalate, let it run its course. Don’t imply something overtly sexual right out of the gate otherwise it could go very wrong very fast. Just focus on chilling with her and things will go fine. Stay cool, comfortable, and enjoy her company.

  5. Don’t read more into it than it is. And don’t offer yourself up to her. Let the night go as it goes. Don’t set yourself up for disappointment. Have snacks drinks whatever, keep it lite cordial no pressure. Let the night flow like a leaf in water, don’t throw no stones at that leaf.

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