Men how flirty are you with women, why?

  1. I’m very flirty. It doesn’t even matter if I like the girl or not. I just love flirting. And it’s like a mental ego game if I can make her fall for me and get her number.

  2. Completely unflirty, if any perceived flirting happens it’s accidental or a misunderstanding.

    I don’t flirt or notice any flirting.

    Edit: i mean it seriously, I’m immune to flirting. Not even my opinion. Assessment by multiple different people throughout my life.
    And incapable to flirt because it involves subtle cues, attraction and understanding of romance. All of which aren’t my strong suits.

    Not self esteem issue either.

  3. Casually flirty. Light enough that it’s fun and harmless, but has the potential to escalate under the right circumstances with the right person

  4. I don’t flirt at all unless it is obvious they are flirting with me. And I mean real obvious. Then I will definitely go with it.

  5. I am actually more flirty towards my male friends than to women. I tend to be more like a gentleman towards ladies thanks to the way i was raised. But with my guy friends, i like to unleash all that flirty goodness. For what reason, i don’t know. But at least it is fun.

  6. Not at all, unless they start it. Way to much risk of being accused of something I didn’t do.

    Edit: I am extremely flirty when in a relationship, but only with those involved in the relationship.

  7. I’m 50 years old, still interested but flirting for an older guy, it kind of comes off creepy sometimes. Plus, the women that are my age are not likely to be down for any dumb shit.

  8. Most of the flirting involves the office anti-harassment training programs. I am middle-aged, dumpy and bland, and my fashion choices tend toward “makes Ron Swanson look like Billy Porter” – so NO, ladies, you cannot have a single morsel of this fine, fine stuff I got goin’ on here (points at my coffee stained khakis).

  9. I don’t flirt, even on dates to the point where I can see it being a bit confusing for some women.

    Essentially I am very selective in terms of who I express romantic interest in/flirt with and even when I go on a first date with someone I don’t really know if I like them yet. For me to like someone I need to feel like I can connect with them on a mental/intellectual/emotional level, and you can’t tell if that connection is worth pursuing based on how physically attractive someone is.

  10. I’m a simple guy i see a good lookin woman i say damn in my mind and move on with my life!

  11. I’m flirty but in a fun way. Most women seem to enjoy it. I think if you can make someone feel good, why not do it.

  12. when it’s women idc about I can flirt rly well

    but if it’s a woman I’m interested in…I fold so hard

  13. I always joke that I never left the third grade. If I pick on you, I like you, and if you smack my shoulder, then I know you like me.

    But there’s a limit. It’s all about smiling, laughing, and slowly letting your/our guard down and strip down as much of our masks as we’re comfortable with.

  14. Unflirty. I’m not an attractive guy so if I act ‘flirty’ it’s generally considered ‘creepy’, so I don’t take the risk.

  15. It always feels so unnatural to me. It’s so out of my normal personality for a number of reasons that I forget how if I don’t practice – but most women I know are taken so it’s not like that’s a remotely good idea.

  16. I never flirt anymore. Never know which person will flip out over it. I just stay polite.

  17. No idea, but apparently really flirty. It never seems to work in my favor.

    I grew up with 4 sisters and mom. My dad was mostly working abroad/out-of-state so we could have a really comfortable life. I talk to women the same way I’ve talked to my sisters, teasing them and just being comfortable. BUT not in a sexual manner.

    So I’ve always ended up having tons of girl friends (not GFs) who see me like a brother, because that’s the role I’ve learned to play lmao.

  18. I don’t flirt unless there is clear evidence on interest on her end.
    I’m not in the place to face a false sexual harassment suit yet again…

  19. I think I’m unintentionally flirty because I’m completely comfortable talking to women. That is until I’m actually interested in the woman and then I get shy.

  20. I just try to be a decent human being. If I can brighten someone’s day I’ll do that. I don’t think its flirting but have been told that I have at times. Married 25 years, no desire outside, I’m completely harmless. So maybe that helps put others at ease?

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