Men of reddit, how do you know you are not in love anymore?

  1. Spontaneous feelings of depression when together and obviously a lack of interest.

  2. You just contemplate it. Then you realize you’re with her because of image and it’s comfortable. You’re scared to take a risk, afraid that maybe you might regret your decision that she is the one for you and hoping that things will get better. Maybe you’re constantly reassuring yourself that that’s normal.

    Overall, you just wonder if it’s worth it all or should you cut losses.

  3. They become second.

    I no longer have a passion to share things with them, or feel giddy and childish around them.

    I no longer feel warmth inside regarding them.

    “The flame has extinguised” so to speak.

  4. When I stop considering her in the plans that I make. Or in other words: When it is “me” again and no longer “us”

  5. I personally still love my first love. I never want to start anything with her again but I love her and want her to have the most success she can have and have everything she ever wants. As long as it isn’t me 🤘

  6. Being together doesn’t make you feel happy and excited, or you are annoyed too often by some of her physical traits or behaviors. Or you don’t feel comfortable to go somewhere with said person, and many other things that by themselves might not mean much, but together surely give you the full picture

  7. When you’ve forgotten about that certain love. As in, they’re not in the back of your thoughts anymore.

  8. Once he is gonna stop treating her like Beyonce and putting her in a higher level than she is.

  9. You know you’re not in love anymore when you have to question if you’re still in love.

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