Hello! My husband is normally an amazing husband and wonderful father, but since I’ve had a car accident he had gone way above and beyond. He has taken on basically all of the physical labour in the house (cooking, cleaning, looking after our son and dog) as I can’t weight bear on one leg so can’t do stairs or stand for very long. He also has taken on most of the emotional labour (stress from our dog being poorly and our son struggling with potty training).

I would like to get him a gift of some kind to show my appreciation, I do thank him every day and try to express how much what he’s doing for all of us means to me. But there are a few problems:

We aren’t really gift givers, we don’t normally do cards or gifts for eachother for birthdays or anniversaries.

We have totally combined finances, so there is not a pot of “my” money to spend on this. (Please no comments on the structure of our finances, it works for us)

He is reluctant to spend money on himself generally. I appreciate we are very fortunate to not be in financial difficulty at the moment but he would see spending on himself as frivolous.

We already have plans to go out for a nice meal whilst our son is staying with my parents for a few nights, we will be spending some birthday money I received from my grandmas for my recent birthday.

We’ve recently moved to a new city and don’t really have any friends or family nearby.

Some things he likes:

He’s a gamer (ps5) but I don’t know what’s games he has or would like.

He likes watching rugby union, and watching and playing cricket (unfortunately he’s been unable to join a new team because of looking after all of us)

He enjoys boardgames but we play infrequently as I’m generally very tired, we have also recently got a new game.

He plays marvel snap on his phone a lot.

He’s currently watching Gray’s anatomy on Disney plus.

Some ideas would be lovely!

1 comment
  1. My wife and I share finances 100%. There isn’t a pot of money that either of us have. We also don’t restrict purchases under about $300 from each other. Nothing wrong with that.

    How about a weekend trip together at a bed and breakfast? Maybe it could include seeing a live sports game? If you want something smaller, maybe a weekend breakfast at a nice breakfast restaurant?

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