What is the longest time you had a crush on someone and didn’t tell them?

  1. From Kindergarten all the way up to high school graduation so… Approximately 13 years, I guess.

  2. A month or two? When I get a crush I spend some time figuring out if I actually want a relationship with the person or if I just want to enjoy the feeling of having a crush. And once I decide on the former I tell them.

  3. Eight months and still going. I won’t say anything because they’re married and I keep hoping it’ll go away. Aside from that usually a month or two and then we’re dating.

    Edit-removed a word

  4. About 5 years but see them infrequently, maybe every 5 months or so – they’re in a long term relationship and my feelings aren’t strong enough to consider confessing, although I’m very sure they’re reciprocated.

  5. Ugh – probably 10 years. Had a crush on him since we were kids and I just hid it for years and then it festered and I admitted it but at that point we were different people and I looked like a fool.

  6. Like a year and a half, he was an older guy at my uni and knew he wouldn’t look at me so i was just crushing from afar. We were never friends or anything

  7. Three years! I finally told him and now we’re together and it’s the best thing in the world

  8. Well… 17 years 🙄 Lol. I married him in the end though and no it’s not the fairytale it sounds like, but he did give me my son which I’m happy for 😁

  9. About 5 years. No point telling her because we wouldn’t be able to have a relationship and I don’t want to ruin our friendship.

  10. Over a year. I had a boyfriend, and even though things were going horribly with us, I didn’t want to hurt him like that because it was his friend I had a crush on. That crush morphed into a genuine desire but I still kept it to myself so as not to hurt my boyfriend (I was too nice, that guy treated me like shit)

    After we broke up, I STILL kept my feelings to myself because I wasn’t sure if it was just the desire for a genuinely nice guy like him or if it was just him, period if that makes sense.

    We eventually did hook up after a night of drinking.

    We’ve been together 6 years, married for 2! Guess that crush was for real lol

  11. 5 years. High school crush on a friend, but he had been dating this other girl for years and I totally thought they were gonna end up married, so never said or did anything about it. We weren’t super close or anything, he was more of a friend of a friend that I was friendly with. 2020 hits, we’re all in college, his gf cheats on him, he spends a lot more time with the friend group, we get really close, we both spill that we like each other a lot, boom been dating for almost two years now.

  12. 2 years until he got a girlfriend and I knew it has to be over. He didn’t like me back

  13. On and off for 5 years. He’s gay so I never bothered telling him but I think I was also avoiding the rejection. We’re still good friends after nearly another 4 years and I laugh about it with our other friends. As far as I’m aware he still doesn’t know lol

  14. I had a crush on Adam Levine since I first heard Songs About Jane when I was like 5. After seeing him in concert in 2019 I got the ick, so about 15 years. Lol

  15. Like 10 years and then he died 😭😭😭😭😭😭 so idk who needs to hear this but SAY SOMETHING. I felt so bad when he passed away and I was devastated and didn’t feel like I had a right to be upset because he didn’t know I thought he was like, my soulmate.

  16. 9 years. It started when I was in my 6th grade. I have a crush on one of my classmate. I didn’t tell him until we enter university. Turn out the boy also had the same feeling for me. We dated for a short time and then break up.

  17. 5 years. Had/have a crush on my beat friend. A year ago we decided to move in together, and I admitted that I had a crush on her this whole time. Turns out she did too! She just didn’t get my hints and I didn’t get hers.

    We’re not dating, tho. We both agree that we’d make a horrible couple and I’m engaged to someone else, so.. But it was still fun to discover.

  18. I’ve never told someone I had a crush on them!! Idk what they longest crush I’ve had is probably about 6 months…

  19. From 5th grade until we left for college. I still have no idea if he knew I was basically in love with him. We are Facebook friends and both happily married. I of course no longer have those feelings for him but it’s crazy to think of how long I pined after him!

  20. A few months. Every time I wanted to tell him, I panicked until I found out he had a girlfriend.

  21. 11 months! I knew him for a year , finally confessed my feelings , now we are together>:)

  22. Over a year. I think that person could tell, I’m not very good at hiding my feelings. They say the eyes don’t lie.

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