What snack did you use to love when you were young but fell out of love with it as you got older?

  1. Fig Newtons and Nilla Wafers.


    Just too sweet for me now. And raisins. I forgot about raisins.

  2. Froot loops. I’m not one of those people who pretend to hate sweet stuff. It’s just that there are much better options in the genre of sugary cereal. Even Fruity Pebbles destroy froot loops.

    I think I was drawn in by the toucan and the really good marketing

  3. i used to go insane for puppy chow (you know, the chex mix stuff) but nowadays, one cup of that stuff contains more sugar than i eat in a whole month, lol.

  4. Chicken Biscuit crackers.

    Tastes like chemicals. Did they change it? Did I change? It’s like having a mouthful of gasoline.

  5. Those chocolate hostess cupcakes with the chocolate frosting and white icing on the top.

  6. Little Debbie Snacks. I believe they changed the recipe because they make me instantly feel like shit if I eat them now.

  7. Here in the UK they recently ruined Twiglets. Which is a bugger as I’ve lived them all my life, but they are now truly horrible.

  8. Most of the hostess snacks (like Twinkies) just don’t taste good to me.

  9. cotton candy/ candy floss for our brethren across the sea.

    it makes my teeth itch, its like concentrated diabetes in evaporative form.

  10. Taco Flavor Doritos. They changed them later to be Taco Supreme (by Taco Bell) flavor, and it has some kind of gross sour cream flavor mixed in it now. The 80s-90s Taco flavor Doritos were the pinnacle of Doritos.

  11. Have ya’ll had a hot pocket recently? Those shits are disgusting.

    And the shits you’ll have after eating one of those shits will be even worse.

    Also: canned chili. Chili should not be sweet nor should it have beans.

  12. Fell out of love with: NutterButters

    Fell into love with: uncrustables. But only the strawberry ones, the blueberry ones can die in a fire.

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